El retrogusto es mío SPONSOR
Brasserie de la Senne Brussels Callling
Brasserie de la Senne – Brussels Callling. En el 2010 nace en Bruselas la micro Brasserie de l ...sarrollar un carácter propio y distintivo. Como reza la cita, Yvan De Baets y Bernard Leboucq, apuestan por devolver el amargor a la cerveza. Un atributo que, de alguna manera, había sido relegad ...
3,90 €
Independent Spirit of Bath
Brasserie de la Senne - Brussels Calling
Brussels Calling is our anniversary beer. The base is always a blonde, 6,5% abv, but we change the h ...ral. These flavours get longer and more intense in the taste, paired with a nice malt base, and they are structured by an intense but elegant bitterness, that reinforces the freshness of the beer ...
Etre Gourmet
Belgian IPA. "Bitter is Better". Brewed with organic ingredients.
3,17 €
Belgian Beer Heaven
La Senne Brussels Calling 33Cl
Smaak La Senne Brussels Calling is ...an de brouwerij: de basis is een blond bier - zoals elk jaar - maar met een zorgvuldig uitgekozen gebruik van hops, wat resulteert in een goed gebalanceerde IPA. De geur van de Brussels Calling ...
2,79 €
J&B Craft Drinks
Brasserie de la Senne Brussels Calling
Belgian IPA Craft Beer, Cider & Soda Shop
3,90 €
Beer Head
De La Senne Brussels Calling Belgian Pale Ale
Brussels Calling is a Belgian Pale Ale brewed by the excellent Brasserie de la Senne who never fail ...to please. The beer pours an attractive hazy gold with an impressive and long-lasting white head. It aroma conjures up malts, dry hops and yeast, with notes of fruit and spices. ABV 5%
2,95 €
Brussels calling, brewed in Brasserie de la senne in Brussels, is a beer brewed every year to celebr ...ate the start of the brewing adventure on Brussels soil. Aromas of exotic are central.
2,40 €