Fountainhall Wines
Fountainhall Wines, Aberdeen and Stonehaven is an independent family business. Our shops specialise beer, wine, whisky and other spirits for local and mainland UK delivery.
(4x1.5) £5.99
Fountainhall Wines
Fountainhall Wines, Aberdeen and Stonehaven is an independent family business. Our shops specialise beer, wine, whisky and other spirits for local and mainland UK delivery.
(12x1.25) £14.99
Aspris & Son
Corona Extra Beer 330ml x 12 BOTTLES
Corona has been brewed in Mexico.The aroma is fruity-honey with a touch of malt and the flavour is c ...hing taste. This light, dry beer has pleasant malt and hop notes with a round dry finish. Regardless of the time of the year, Corona is best served ice cold, with a wedge of lime that complemen ...
(6x2.17) £12.99
Love Wine
Corona Extra Beer NRB Size: 3...
With a refreshing, smooth taste balanced between heavier European imports and lighter domestic beer, ... Corona is an even-keeled cerveza with fruity-honey aromas and a touch of malt. The flavor is crisp, clean and well balanced between hops and malt.
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Aspris & Son
Corona Extra Beer 330ml x 24 Bottles
Corona has been brewed in Mexico.The aroma is fruity-honey with a touch of malt and the flavour is c ...hing taste. This light, dry beer has pleasant malt and hop notes with a round dry finish. Regardless of the time of the year, Corona is best served ice cold, with a wedge of lime that complemen ...
(24x1.08) £25.99
House of Ales
PerfectDraft Corona Extra 6L Keg
Mexico’s number one selling beer, Corona Extra is now available for your Perfect Draft machine .... Expect a well balanced crisp lager with some sweet honey punching through with a mellow malty finish. Must be used in conjunction with the Perfect Draft Machine.
Suave y fresca una mezcla ideal. Otra de las que siempre suele estar en mi nevera.
sabor Regular.. la maquina de mercadeo que desarrolló Grupo Modelo sobre el producto sobrevalora el real sabor de la corona. Esta es una pilsner clara e insípida, característica propia de las cervezas comunes y corrientes. (Malta, Agua, lupulo, levadura) No tiene acordes característicos, esto la hace neutral a la hora de saborear. como pueden ver en la descripción solo se citan literales merchandising y no una valoración real que identifique o transcriba el sabor y los ingredientes de la cerveza. El único plus de corona es la versatilidad para la hora de servir, pues resiste temperaturas entre 7° y 9° sin oxidarse , este truco es caracteristico de la corona puesto que los aceites esenciales del lúpulo se conservan mas a la luz con la botella translucida. Esto la hace perfecta para la coctelería. "no siempre el que mas vende tiene la mejor calidad"....
Muy buena y realmente especialll