Coniston Bluebird Bitter 500ml
4.2% It is, quite simply, a wonderful beer. It is exceedingly pale (21-22 units colour), with ...oma from the challengers, balanced by biscuity malt. Juicy malt and tart hops vie for attention in the mouth while the finish is tart and hoppy but well balanced by creamy malt. The bitterness ...
Coniston Bluebird Bitter Pale Ale
English Bitter | 3.6% ABV Commercial Description: 3.6% on cask 4.2% bottled. It is, quite simply, a ...wonderful beer. It is exceedingly pale (21-22 units colour), with just a hint of colour in its ch...
Sin Stock
Half Time
Coniston Brewing Company Bluebird Bitter
English bitter brewed with Maris Otter pale malt and Crystal malt, and Challenger hops. Notes of tan fruit and orange.
Sin Stock
Coniston Bluebird Bitter 500ml
4.2% It is, quite simply, a wonderful beer. It is exceedingly pale (21-22 units colour), with ...oma from the challengers, balanced by biscuity malt. Juicy malt and tart hops vie for attention in the mouth while the finish is tart and hoppy but well balanced by creamy malt. The bitterness ...
Sin Stock
Bine & Vine
Coniston Bluebird Bitter 500ML
Coniston Bluebird Bitter In England, an “ordinary” bitter is a beer for everyday drinking – the kin ... Bitter is an extraordinary “ordinary.” The bottle-conditioned Bluebird is altogether different from other bottled beers – it somehow tastes and feels like beer from the cask. Bluebird Bitter w ...
Sin Stock
Windsor Bottle Shop
Coniston Brewing Co.-Bluebird Bitter
3.6% ABV 500ml Malt - Maris Otter pale malt and crystal malt Hops - Challenger “It is, quite sim ...s cheeks from the dash of crystal malt. It has a massive orange fruit aroma from the challengers, balanced by biscuity malt. Juicy malt and tart hops vie for attention in the mouth while the fini ...
Sin Stock