Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier Dunkel
Suave, malteada y con buen paladar. Su armonioso sabor es el punto fuerte esta cerveza de trigo oscura. ideal no solo para acompañar platos contundentes.
Cerveza de trigo bávara, 5, 3 % de alcohol, de alta fermentacíón, no filtrada y con segunda fermentación en botella.
Es la versión oscura de la Hefe Weiss: de aspecto tostada y turbia, debido a la combinación de la levadura y el uso de trigo en la elaboración y malta de cebada tostada. Su abundante espuma queda firme en el vaso alto.
En su sabor se nota el tueste de la malta, sin perder el gusto tan típico de trigo, que la hace fácil de digerir. Elaboradasegún la Ley de la Pureza de 1516 con solamente malta, lúpulo y agua.
Se recomienda con asados, aves y caza menor.
Ayinger Urweisse
Dunkel Weizen, trigo tostada
“The union of wheaty freshness and dark malt often produces a fullness of taste and complexity”, explains the world-famous English beer commentator Michael Jackson.
This also applies to the Ayinger Urweisse, which is a strong amber-colored, yeast cloudy wheat beer. The beer is strong with the first taste and malty in aroma. The top-fermented, yeasty taste sensation is unmistakable. This beer is rich in sparkle and has just a touch of a special bitter quality. The fruity, malty mild aroma will have you won you over immediately!
Ayinger Altbairisch Dunkel
Up until the Second World War, dark beer was the predominant beer type in the Munich area. The hard water found in the region played a special role in producing this specialty. In his book “Beer International”, the world-renowned English beer writer, Michael Jackson, accurately describes the Ayinger “Altbairisch Dunkel” as: “A good example of its kind. Impenetrably dark with a golden-brown gleam when held up to the light, and with a warm aroma and malty taste, while summoning up coffee taste sensations on going down. It is brewed from five types of malt (two of which are torrified dark), and it is only lightly hopped.” It is produced using the traditional double fermentation process.