Comparar Cervezas To Øl Dangerously Close To Stupid - Evil Twin Molotov Cocktail - To Øl Dangerously Close To Stupid Amounts of Banana

Comprar To Øl Dangerously Close To Stupid - Evil Twin Molotov Cocktail - To Øl Dangerously Close To Stupid Amounts of Banana


Tipo / Estilo:

Imperial IPA
Imperial IPA
Imperial IPA



Melanoidin, Pilsner

Centennial, Citra
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To Øl Dangerously Close To Stupid

The next beer in the To Øl hop adventure is now a reality – we present to you Dangerously Close To Stupid. An Imperial IPA at 9,3 % ABV with a close to stupid amount of Citra and Centennial Hops in it. It is a bright crisp and super dry-hopped IIPA with a smooth and balanced body.

To make a tight transition between the hop profile and the body we have removed all caramel malts and focused only on basis malts. This is resulting in a nice fresh Spring/Summer IIPA that has a Dangerously Close To Stupid drinkability.
We have for a long time been wanting to do a pendant to the Final Frontier Double IPA, that has this rich caramel body and we think we nailed it Dangerously Close to Perfect with this one.
Cheers, enjoy and be aware!

Words from our label designer Kasper Ledet:

“The idea is to do a design that is as close to stupid graphically. A picture of roses (What? There is a lot of hops in the beer..) half-destroyed by data faults and yet the picture refers to previous beers that are more beautiful in a classic way. It is almost an undermining of these previous labels! Around the neck is the same picture as on the front, but stretched abnormally much in the height (a classic death sin in graphical design) and in a bad quality black and white version. The back label is of course in comic sans – no explanation needed here.”


Evil Twin Molotov Cocktail

Imperial India Pale Ale with mango and orange added

Did you like Before During and after Christmas, maybe you thought it poured brilliantly, the alcohol was admirable well hidden and you loved how the arrogant amounts of hops numbed your mouth. This beer will knock your tongue off - it’s a tour de force in hoppiness and by far one the craziest beer ever made by Evil Twin Brewing.


Dangerously Close To Stupid Amounts of Banana

Imperial IPA with Banana

You know how we love our DIPAs. And dangerously close to stupid is one of our favourite beers to update and experiment with. So far we’ve introduced you to Apricots, Papaya, Guava, Peach, Mango and the crowd favourite so far – Kiwi. Now please met the latest additions: Banana, Lychee & Passionfruit!

Smells like banana, tastes like… sweet malty banana. This is a mellow, malty DIPA with a smooth amber body and medium carbonation. Almost taffyesque in taste, you want to hate it but you can’t.

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