A blast from the past, our old school IPA takes no prisoners, hopped right through the boil and dry hopped to death. Upfront it is all tropical fruit and aroma, then it finishes with a long and assertive bitterness
American IPA con un golpe inicial a mango, lichi y piña, seguido por un final amargo largo y limpio. Una de sus señas de identidad.
A collaboration beer brewed with Due South Brewing, from Florida. This Rye IPA is truly locally inspired. We use fresh Valencia oranges in three stages of making this beer along with honey from the hills above Sant Joan de Mediona. The citrus from the fruit intermingles with hop flavors and the spiciness of the rye malts for a full flavored IPA.
Albur Mano Pachona
Cerveza estilo IPA con aroma cítrico y sabor amargo con notas a caramelo.
Maridaje: Mariscos al aguachile, carnes rojas, platillos picantes, roquefort y feta.