Illice Augusta Calendura
Elx Special Bitter
Scheldebrouwerij Mug Bitter
De color ámbar,como su nombre lo indica, es una cerveza amarga, con un alto contenido de lúpulo. Para su elaboración se utilizan dos clases de malta y tres variedades de lúpulo. Su sabor no es dulce y tiene un agradable aroma amargo y refrescante.
Moor Raw
RAW was originally commissioned to be the house beers for Real Ale Weston and the Royal Artillery Arms, both now sadly closed. The landlord and drinkers were already huge fans of Merlin’s Magic but wanted something a bit hoppier. They were also intrigued with our unfined natural approach to beer. So we trialled three different unfined, dry-hopped versions of Merlin’s Magic.
Layering the herbal dry-hopped characteristics over the rich malt base, and padding it out with body and flavour enhancing yeast really transformed the already sessionable Merlin’s Magic into something even more enjoyable. Everyone really loves the result. Consequently, we make it available to select pubs whose customers appreciate its natural nature and enhanced flavours. If you are lucky enough to find some you will be rewarded with a truly remarkable best bitter, and perhaps begin to understand that beer is often the better for having some opacity.
De color ambarino y escasa espuma, Moor Raw es una cerveza colosal. Elaborada con malta de cebada Pale, Lager, Múnich ytrigo malteado. Lúpulos Marinka y Hallertauer Northern Brewer.