Birre da Manicomio
Collective Arts Border Crossing è una Ipa canadese che combina sapientemente luppoli Cascade, Simcoe ... e Vic Secret. Scoprila subito qui on line.
Sin Stock
Beer Republic
Collective Arts Border Crossing Thin Man
We have crossed into new territory with this one! Our collab with Thin Man Brewery out of Buffalo, N ...ation of Vic Secret, Simcoe and Cascade hops, giving this brew a delicious blend of juicy citrus and stone fruits, with ...
Sin Stock
Collective Arts Thin Man - Border Crossing
IPA with Vic Secret, Simcoe and Cascade.
Sin Stock
Collective Arts Border Crossing Thin Man 0,473L
Vic Secret, Simcoe és Cascade komlók szerelmét érezhetjük a kis ropogós Amerikai IPA. Az "Americ ..., citrusos, fenyőszerű vagy gyantás komlók karaktere jellemzi, az IPA sörstílus a komló ízéről, aromájáról és keserűségéről szól. Az India Pale Ale (IPA) az újhullámos kisüzemi sörfőzés legmegh ...
Sin Stock
Collective Arts
Collective Arts Border Crossing IPA (Thin Man Collab)
We have crossed into new territory with this one! Our collab with Thin Man Brewery out of Buffalo, N ...ation of Vic Secret, Simcoe and Cascade hops, giving this brew a delicious blend of juicy citrus and stone fruits, with a pleasant note of fresh pine. 6% ABV ...
Sin Stock