Ruby Ale "Malt driven chocolate overtones couple with selected hops giving bitterness and subtl ...e fruit characteristics to provide a beautifully balanced beer." 4.6%500ml bottle
SAM SMITHS Winter Welcome 2024 6% Xmas ale
"The collectable label on Winter Welcome Ale this year features the much-loved red robin (erith ...usly pictured it on our Winter Welcome Ale label." "This seasonal beer is a limited edition brewed for the short days and long nights of winter. The full body resulting from fermentatio ...
RUDGATE Evil Elf 4% Xmas Pale Ale
Seasonal Pale Ale "Pale, fresh ale with flavours of tropical fruits" 4%500ml bottle
PILGRIM Talisman 4.9% premium ale
A rich malty ale, brewed with dark roasted chocolate malts to produce a dark ruby glow accompanying ...nutty winter flavours4.9%500ml bottle