Well! An IPA! It had to be part of our birthday releases! With immense drinkability, we won’t judge ... a balanced medium body, juicy hoppiness, and spritzy, zesty drinkability. Slightly drier finishing than most of the swe ...
Clapton Craft
Cloudwater Beyond The Mirage 10th Birthday New England IPA
Style: DDH IPA Region: Manchester ABV: 6.0% Can Size: 440ml Well! An IPA! It had to be part of our b ... pint glass and sup it as a larger measure. It’s brewed with a balanced medium body, juicy hoppiness, and spritzy, zesty ...
The Hoptimist
Description IPA – New England / Hazy – Can 440ml – 6.0% Well! An IPA! It had to ...o your favourite pint glass and sup it as a larger measure. It’s brewed with a balanced medium body, juicy hoppiness, and spritzy, zesty drinkability. Slightly drier finishing than most of the sw ...
Micro Beers
Well! An IPA! It had to be part of our birthday releases! With immense drinkability, we won’t judge ... a balanced medium body, juicy hoppiness, and spritzy, zesty drinkability. Slightly drier finishing than most of the swe ...
Left Field Beer
Cloudwater Brew Co - Beyond The Mirage
Well! An IPA! It had to be part of our birthday releases! With immense drinkability, we won’t judge ... a balanced medium body, juicy hoppiness, and spritzy, zesty drinkability. Slightly drier finishing than most of the sweeter IPAs on the market, we hope you’ll find this immensely pleasurable and ...
Beyond Beer
Cloudwater 10th Birthday Beyond The Mirage
Super trinkbares Jubiläums-NEIPA Zum 10. Jubiläum von Cloudwater darf ein IPA natürlich nicht fehle ...n! Es überzeugt mit saftiger Hopfigkeit, lebendiger Zitrusfrische und einer angenehm trockenen bis pfefferigen Balance, die es unglaublich trinkbar macht. Ein IPA, das zum Feiern einlädt!
8,29 €