Beer Head
Chimay Red Belgian Ale 330ml bottle
The Chimay Red is a gorgeous Dubbel ale that displays the technical perfection that has come to be e ...8217;re enjoying the Chimay Red Dubbel you’re tasting the beer the way it should be. Its gorgeous coppery colour and creamy head give the first indication of the richness of the beer. Aroma ...
3,00 €
Kendt for sin kobberfarve og som den første øl brygget af munkene i Chimay i 1862. Toppet med et cre ...nden, er en balance, der bekræfter de frugtagtige nuancer, der bemærkes i duften. Dens smag, som giver en silkeagtig fornemmelse til tungen, gøres forfriskende af et let strejf af bitterhed. Til ...
59,00 DKK
Chimay Rouge - Bière Belge Trappiste brunerousse 7%
Abbaye ND de Scourmont Les bières de Chimay sont des authentiques bières Trappistes c'est-à-dire qu ... de la communauté monastique et dont la majorité des revenus sont consacrés à l'entraide sociale. La Chimay Rouge est la plus ancienne des Chimay. Cette bière Trappiste possède une belle couleur ...
2,68 €
Rabbit Hop
Smell - Taste (Roasted malt, apricot, dark fruits, yeast) Aftertaste (Slightly spicy, fruity) Be ...lgium ABV 7%
3,40 €
Charlemagne Boissons
La Chimay rouge est la plus ancienne bière de Chimay. Sa couleur cuivrée et son goût fruité et doux ...rendent cette bière rouge particulièrement savoureuse. Elle se déguste à une température de cave (10 à 12°)
1,95 €
Ζεστό χάλκινο χρώμα, κρεμώδη και πλούσιο αφρό που καλύπτει την επιφάνεια και αρώματα δροσερά βερίκοκ ...ι μια ευχάριστη πικρίλα στην επίγευση. ...
3,10 €
Trappist Tribute
Chimay rood – Trappist – 🇧🇪 – 33cl – koper – Alc. 7% Vol. De Chimay ...die dit bruin bier bijzonder lekker maken. De smaak van het bier is zijdeachtig met een lichte toets bitterheid. (Abdij Notre-Dame de Scourmont, Chimay, België) ...
2,50 €
Chimay Première (Red) Μπύρα 750ml
Ζεστό χάλκινο χρώμα, κρεμώδη και πλούσιο αφρό που καλύπτει την επιφάνεια και αρώματα δροσερά βερίκοκ ...ι μια ευχάριστη πικρίλα στην επίγευση. ...
9,30 €
Bottle of Italy
Chimay Tappo Rosso 33cl - Cassa da 24 Bottiglie
Vendita Online su Bottle of Italy della Birra Chimay Tappo Rosso 33cl - Cassa da 24 Bottiglie. Conse ...gna in 24/48 Ore (Italia) e Spedizione con Secure Box!
(24x4.33) 103,85 €
The Great Beer Experiment
BEER STYLE: Trappist Dark Ale BEER TYPE: Ale ALCOHOL: 7.0% VOLUME: 330 ml BREWERY: Chimay COUNTRY: ...Belgium BREWERY TASTING NOTES: It's beautiful b...
Cervezas del Mundo
Estilo: Brown Ale Color: Marrón cobrizo Origen: Bélgica ABV: 7% IBU: Formato: Botella 330cc ...
PHouse – Đồ Uống Cao Cấp
Bia Chimay Đỏ 7% Chai 750ml Thùng 12 Chai
Xuất xứ: Bia Bỉ Nồng độ cồn: 7 % Màu sắc bia: nâu đỏ Quy cách: chai 750ml, thùng 12 chai Giá ngu ...của pho mat, kết hợp cùng vị ngọt đắng nơi đầu lưỡi, đem đến cho bạn một trải nghiệm mới về hương vị. ...
(12x215000) 2.580.000,00₫
Cork & Cask
Description Chimay Red is the oldest of the Chimays. Its coppery color and sweet, fruity taste make ...richness of the beer. Aromas and flavours of fruity apricot, figs, and cloves are balanced by a nice hoppiness. Its rich malty body and creamy carbonation are punctuated by a finish that has a re ...
Bierhandel Blond & Stout
Chimay Rood wordt gebrouwen door Brouwerij Chimay in de Abdij van Scourmont, een trappistenklooster ...y. Het is een karaktervolle dubbel en heeft een zachte fruitige smaak. Omdat dit bier het eerste bier was dat de trappisten in de abdij brouwden, kreeg de 75cl fles de aanduiding ‘Premiere& ...
2,09 € - Skjold Burne
Chimay Rouge – 7,0% – Dubbel (Trappist) – Serveringstemperatur 10-12 gr. Chimay R ...sammen med den kraftigere Chimay Bleu. Der er tale om en rigtig god ambassadør for trappist øl og belgisk øl i det hele taget. Aromaen er frisk med en snert af abrikos og karamel. Chimay Rouge ha ...
28,00 DKK
Castle Off Licence - Nutsaboutwine
Chimay Rouge Brown Ale (330ml)
The Chimay Rouge Brown Ale is the oldest of the Chimays. Its coppery colour and sweet, fruity taste ...make it a particularly tasty dark ale. Alcohol Vol: 7%
3,25 €
Whisky And More
Commercial Description: Created over 150 years ago, the Chimay Red is the oldest of the Chimays. I ...n the 750ml bottle, it’s known as Chimay Première. A copper-tinted brown ale that combines generous fruity flavours with toast and sweet caramel. 7% ABV
The Hamilton Beer & Wine Co
Chimay Red is noted for its coppery colour which makes it particularly attractive. Topped with a cre ...ed in the mouth is a balance confirming the fruity nuances noticed in the fragrance. Its taste, which imparts a silky sensation to the tongue, is made refreshing by a light touch of bitterness. T ...
$15.99 - Skjold Burne
Chimay Rouge – 7,0% – Dubbel (Trappist) – Serveringstemperatur 10-12 gr. Chimay R ...sammen med den kraftigere Chimay Bleu. Der er tale om en rigtig god ambassadør for trappist øl og belgisk øl i det hele taget. Aromaen er frisk med en snert af abrikos og karamel. Chimay Rouge ha ...
55,00 DKK
Beer Force
Chimay Trappist Monastery Chimay Red
Dubbel | 330ml | ABV 7.0% Brewed since 1982, Chimay Premiere, now known as Chimay Red, is the oldest ...ur. It has lots of banana-like aromas, as well as plenty of dark fruit notes from its big, smooth malt base. You can exp ...
The Hamilton Beer & Wine Co
Chimay Rouge (Red) is noted for its coppery colour which makes it particularly attractive. Topped wi ...eer is noted for its coppery colour, which makes it particularly attractive. Topped with a creamy head, it gives off a light, fruity apricot aroma produced by the fermentation. The fruity taste i ...
Cobre rojo, sin filtrar. Compacto, cabeza de espuma cremosa. Sabor: Aroma suave pero sólido. Fruto p ...arecido al albaricoque, madurado por fermentación. Suavidad sedosa con un toque ligeramente amargo...
8,75 €
Fountainhall Wines
Chimay Red - Trappist Dubbel 330ml
Fountainhall Wines, Aberdeen and Stonehaven is an independent family business. Our shops specialise beer, wine, whisky and other spirits for local and mainland UK delivery.
Blackrock Cellar
The Chimay Red is the oldest of the Chimays. Its coppery color and sweet, fruity taste make it a par ...ticularly tasty dark ale.
3,50 €
Keg, Cask & Bottle
Chimay Red is dark brown in colour with a sweet, fruity aroma and nutty character. It imparts a silk ...y sensation to the tongue, made refreshing by a light touch of bitterness. 7% ABV 330ml Bottle
Chimay đỏ 7% Chai 330ml Thùng 12 chai
Bia Chimay đỏ (còn gọi là Chimay Rouge) còn được gọi là “bia tiên phong” do đây là loại bia đầu tiên ...bia Chimay khác nhau. Với đặc trưng là màu đồng sóng sánh, những chai bia Chimay đỏ đã làm say mê những người sành bia ở khắp tất cả mọi nơi. Quá trình lên men bia Chimay đỏ: Bia Chimay đỏ là m ...
(12x7000) 84.000,00₫
Chimay đỏ 7% Chai 750ml Thùng 12 chai
Bia Chimay đỏ (còn gọi là Chimay Rouge) còn được gọi là “bia tiên phong” do đây là loại bia đầu tiên ...bia Chimay khác nhau. Với đặc trưng là màu đồng sóng sánh, những chai bia Chimay đỏ đã làm say mê những người sành bia ở khắp tất cả mọi nơi. Quá trình lên men bia Chimay đỏ: Bia Chimay đỏ là m ...
(12x19166.67) 230.000,00₫
Chimay Red 330mL ABV 7.0% Belgium Trappist Beer
The Chimay Red is the oldest of the Chimays. Its coppery color and sweet, fruity taste make it a par ....0% Trappist ale and the 3 rules: A Trappist ale can only be called Trappist ale when it has been brewed between the four walls of a Trappist monastery, under the supervision of the monastery ...
First Beer – Bia Nhập Khẩu Giá Sỉ
Bia Chimay Đỏ 7% – Chai 330ml – Thùng 24 Chai
Quick Overview Xuất xứ: Bia Bỉ Nồng độ cồn: 7% Màu sắc bia: Vàng Quy cách: chai 330ml, thùng 24 ...chai
(24x75000) 1.800.000,00₫
Copper colour and as the first beer brewed by the monks of Chimay in 1862. Topped with a creamy head ..., it gives off a light, fruity apricot aroma produced by the fermentation. 330ml bottle, 7.0% ABV
Cobre rojo, sin filtrar. Compacto, cabeza de espuma cremosa. Sabor: Aroma suave pero sólido. Fruto p ...arecido al albaricoque, madurado por fermentación. Suavidad sedosa con un toque ligeramente amargo...
2,47 €
Birra e Birre
La Chimay Premiere, nota anche come Chimay tappo rosso, o più semplicemente Chimay rossa, è una birr ...tta, la Chimay tappo rosso ha una notevole carbonazione e un corpo medio. Al naso esprime il meglio di se, donando sentori intensi di frutta rossa, frutti di bosco, miele, pepe, cannella, lievito ...
3,30 €
Σκούρο βαθυκόκκινο χρώμα, άρωμα με νότες μαγιάς, γεύση δυνατή, ελαφρά ξινή με πλούσιο σώμα. ...
(24x4.53) 108,76 €
First Beer – Bia Nhập Khẩu Giá Sỉ
Bia Chimay Đỏ 7% – Chai 750ml Thùng 12 Chai
Quick Overview Xuất xứ: Bia Bỉ Nồng độ cồn: 7% Màu sắc bia: Nâu Quy cách: Chai 750ml, thùng 12 c ...hai
(12x200000) 2.400.000,00₫
First Beer – Bia Nhập Khẩu Giá Sỉ
Hộp Quà Bia Chimay Đỏ 7.0% – 4 Chai & 1 Ly
Quick Overview Xuất xứ: Bia Bỉ Nồng độ cồn: 7 % Màu sắc bia: Đen Quy cách: chai 330ml, xách 4 ch tặng 1 ly Chimay
The Fine Wine Company
Abbaye Chimay, Red, 330ml Bottle
An easy drinking double from Trappist brewery Chimay. Silky, smooth and loaded with dark fruit, buy ...Chimay Red wholesale from Cave Direct.
Independent Spirit of Bath
Chimay Red was brewed for the first time in 1862. It is the oldest of the Chimay trappist beers, hen ...ce its “Première” appellation. A classic Belgian Dubbel. Nutty malts, toffee, orange peel, fruit cake notes. 1 x 75CL 7%ABV
PHouse – Đồ Uống Cao Cấp
Bia Chimay Đỏ 7% Chai 330ml Thùng 24 Chai
Xuất xứ: Bia Bỉ Nồng độ cồn: 7% Màu sắc bia: nâu đỏ Quy cách: chai 330ml, thùng 24 chai Giá nguy ...ra đời đầu tiên dưới bàn tay của các thầy tu tại Bỉ. Với đặc trưng là màu đồng sóng sánh, những chai bia Chimay đã làm say mê những người sành bia ở khắp tất cả mọi nơi. ...
(24x79000) 1.896.000,00₫
Cerveza con un muy buen sabor, pero muy pesada, la primera vez que la tomé me encantó pero la segunda vez que tomé una no pude acabarla al ser muy pesada, pero recomiendo probarla.
Mi primera trapense. Posee un color marron rojizo (o cobrizo como dice en la descripcion). Una capa de espuma que no llega a ser demasiado alta, poco densa y que duracion intermedia, dejando la espuma restante en forma grandes islotes y en el borde del recipiente. En boca resulta muy densa y gaseosa, en eso ultimo, casi como si se tratase de un refresco de cola o similar. El tema del sabor y el aroma lo encuentro semejante a la descripcion, con un evidente aroma, un sabor y un regusto (especialmente este ultimo) a albaricoque/melocoton. El sabor a alcohol no es especialmente perceptible. En resumen, es una cerveza buena y suave, que recomiendo a todo el que le interese el tema de la cerveza
Suave. Está bien.
Cerveza espesa, que se hace pesada pero con un sabor muy agradable