Onlygoodbeer - Csakajósör
Chimay Rouge Bières de Chimay (BE) 0,33L - 7%
Selected beer: Chimay Rouge | Bières de Chimay (BE) | 0,33L - 7% Further details: 0,33 ...l Country of Origin: Belgium authentic trappist dubbel ABV: 7% Brewery: Abbaye Notre Dame de Scourmont Deposit: none Your price: €3.39
Sin Stock
Sweeney’s D3
The Chimay Red is the oldest of the Chimays. Its coppery colour and sweet, fruity taste make it a pa ...ed within the walls of a Trappist monastery, under the control and responsibility of the community of monks, who are involved through the process of making and marketing the beer. Most of the in ...
Sin Stock
Cervezas Cebados
Chimay Roja: Descubre la cerveza trapense belga de renombre mundial. Con su color ámbar oscuro y sab ...or suave, esta cerveza ofrece notas de malta tostada, frutas maduras y especias.
Sin Stock
Descrizione La Chimay Rouge è la più antica delle birre Chimay. Il colore ramato e il gusto ...– Conservare le birre in ambienti asciutti, alle giuste temperature, lontano dalla luce diretta Goblet – consulta la nostra guida sui Bicchieri per maggiori info Abbinamenti : d ...
Sin Stock
CHIMAY Trappist Red Label punane õlu alk.7% 330ml Belgia
Värvus: vaskne. Aroom: kerge, humalane, puuviljane, selgelt on tunda aprikoosi. Maitse: mahe, suurep ...ärases tasakaalus, siidine, kergelt mõrkas/humalane, puuviljane. Pastöriseerimata.
Sin Stock
Värvus: vaskne. Aroom: kerge, humalane, puuviljane, selgelt on tunda aprikoosi, Maitse: mahe, suurep ... pärmisettel. Kõik Chimay õlled on pastöriseerimata, ehk elus õlled. Serveerimistemperatuur: 10-12C ...
Sin Stock
Brussels Beer Box
First sold in 75 cl 25.4 fl.oz. bottles, it is notfor its copper color and as the first beer brewby ...the monks of Chimay in 1862. Toppwith a…
Sin Stock
Antidote off Licence - Urban Brewing
Description Shipping & Delivery Reviews ... dark ale. Delivery and Pickup Pick up at Urban Brewing during our opening times (free). If choosing this option, please let us know your preferred pickup time and we will ...
Sin Stock
The Triangle
Chimay - Red - 7% Dubbel - 330ml Bottle
First sold in 75 cl (25.4 fl.oz.) bottles, it is noted for its copper colour and as the first beer b ...ot aroma produced by the fermentation. The taste perceived in the mouth is a balance confirming the fruity nuances noticed in the fragrance. Its taste, which imparts a silky sensation to the ton ...
Sin Stock
Chimay Premiere (Red) Belgian Dubbel 750ml
7% Topped with a creamy head, it gives off a light, fruity apricot aroma produced by the ferm ... fragrance. Its taste, which imparts a silky sensation to the tongue, is made refreshing by a light touch of bitterness. To the palate, the taster perceives a pleasant astringency which compleme ...
Sin Stock
Otherworld Brewing ( antigua duplicada)
Description Chimay Red is the oldest of the Chimays. Its coppery color and sweet, fruity taste make ...richness of the beer. Aromas and flavours of fruity apricot, figs, and cloves are balanced by a nice hoppiness. Its rich malty body and creamy carbonation are punctuated by a finish that has a re ...
Sin Stock
Dicey Reillys
Topped with a creamy head, it gives off a light, fruity apricot aroma produced by the fermentation. .... Its taste, which imparts a silky sensation to the tongue, is made refreshing by a light touch of bitterness. To the palate, the taster perceives a pleasant astringency which complements the fl ...
Sin Stock
Jackman Store
Cerveza Belga Chimay Brown Ale Bot 330 ML
La Cerveza Belga Chimay Brown Ale Bot 330ML es una de las más de 30 cervezas belgas de Jackman que t ...enemos para que disfrutes de un sabor increíble.
Sin Stock
Luekens Wine & Spirits
Chimay Ale Red Premiere 25oz SNG Btl
Chimay Red is noted for its coppery colour which makes it particularly attractive. Topped with a cre ...ed in the mouth is a balance confirming the fruity nuances noticed in the fragrance. Its taste, which imparts a silky sensation to the tongue, is made refreshing by a light touch of bitterness. T ...
Sin Stock
Charlemagne Boissons
La Chimay rouge est la plus ancienne bière de Chimay. Sa couleur cuivrée et son goût fruité et doux ...rendent cette bière rouge particulièrement savoureuse. Elle se déguste à une température de cave (10 à 12°)
Sin Stock
Description La Chimay Rouge Première se distingue par sa couleur cuivrée qui la rend particulièreme ...otée provenant de la fermentation rend son goût rafraîchissant avec une légère touche d’amertume. Cette trappiste de fermentation haute, refermentée en bouteille, n’est pas pasteuris ...
Sin Stock
Σκούρο βαθυκόκκινο χρώμα, άρωμα με νότες μαγιάς, γεύση δυνατή, ελαφρά ξινή με πλούσιο σώμα. ...
Sin Stock
Chimay BiÃrre pÃres trappistes rouge 7% 33 cl 7%vol.
Bières de la marque Chimay. Boisson Chimay. EAN 5410908000012.
Sin Stock
Chimay Trappist Red (ABV 7,0%) is de oudste van de Chimays. Zijn koperkleurige kleur en zoete, fruit ...: dit betekent dat het gebrouwen wordt binnen de muren van een trappistenklooster, onder de controle en verantwoordelijkheid van de gemeenschap van monniken, die betrokken zijn bij het maken en o ...
Sin Stock
Cette bière trappiste de l’Abbaye de Chimay a été brassée la première fois en 1862. La Chimay ...Rouge, ou Chimay Première, est la plus ancienne des bières de Chimay, d’où son appellation « Première » en bouteille de 75 cl.
Sin Stock
Petite Cellars
Chimay Premiere Red 4 pack 11 oz. Bottle
Topped with a creamy head, it gives off a light, fruity apricot aroma produced by the fermentation ...8230;
Sin Stock
Kelly’s Liquor
Topped with a creamy head, it gives off a light, fruity apricot aroma produced by the fermentation ...8230;
Sin Stock
Triple Brew
Chimay red stands out for its copper color that makes it particularly attractive. Topped with a crea ...erceived in the mouth is a balance that confirms the fruity nuances noticed in the fragrance. Its taste, which imparts a silky feel to the tongue, becomes refreshing with a slight bitter touch. O ...
Sin Stock
Chimay Red is noted for its coppery colour which makes it particularly attractive. Topped with a cre ...ed in the mouth is a balance confirming the fruity nuances noticed in the fragrance. Its taste, which imparts a silky sensation to the tongue, is made refreshing by a light touch of bitterness. T ...
Sin Stock
Een koperkleurig bier met een alcoholgehalte van 7%. Dit bier wordt afgevuld in flessen van 33 centi ... etiket. In de 75 centiliter-versie, die sinds 1978 bestaat, wordt dit bier ook La Première genoemd. Het is het oudste van de huidige Chimaybieren. Het bier heeft een zachte, fruitige smaak en ...
Sin Stock
La Chimay Roja es una cerveza de Abadía Trapense de las de toda la vida. La Trapper Abadía...
Sin Stock
VLC Gourmet
Chimay Roja esta coronada por una espuma cremosa, y desprende un ligero olor a melocotón procedente ...por el olfato. Su gusto es fresco gracias a un ligero toque de amargura. La Chimay Roja es la más antigua de las Chimay nació en 1850, cuando el príncipe Joseph de Caraman de Riquet y el cura d ...
Sin Stock
Saccharomyces Beer Cafe
Chimay Red (Bruin) Bottle 330ml 4Pk
Topped with a creamy head, it gives off a light, fruity apricot aroma produced by the fermentation. ...The taste perceived in the mouth is a balance confirming the fruity nuances noticed in the fragrance. Vol: 330ml ABV: 7.0%
Sin Stock
Fuggles Bottle Shop
This copper-coloured Dubbel has a surprising fruitiness, along with touches of cur ...açao and coriander. The initial taste is sweet, while the dark malt holds in place the finishing touches of burnt chicory and toasted bread.
Sin Stock
Rond Point
Sa couleur cuivrée et son goût fruité et doux rendent cette bière brune particulièrement savoureuse. ...tume. La Chimay Rouge est la plus ancienne des bières de Chimay, d’où son appellation « Première » en bouteille de 75cl ...
Sin Stock
La Chimay rouge est une bière trappiste ambrée. C’est la plus ancienne des Chimay, la recette a été ambrée accompagnée de son épaisse mousse. Au nez, on ressent essentiellement des arômes maltés de caramel et d’abricot. En bouche, on ressent fortement les saveurs sèches de caramel qui vienne ...
Sin Stock
Elings Craftbeer Company is dé groothandel op het gebied van craftbeer en (speciaal)bieren voor hore en retail. Elings Craftbeer Company heeft een uitgebreid nationaal en internationaal assortiment en verzorgt landelijk de distributie van de bieren.
Sin Stock
Chester Beer & Wine
Description Chimay Brewery is found in Chimay, southern Hainaut, Belgium. The brewery is located in ...rappist Beer. Chimay – Red is the oldest of the Chimays. This Trappist beer possesses a beautiful coppery colour that makes it particularly attractive. Topped with a creamy head, it gives ...
Sin Stock
Beer Paradise
Chimay Premiere - from Beer Paradise Wholesale: UK Craft Beer, Belgian and German classics, draught ...and bottled cider
Sin Stock
La Chimay Rouge es una cerveza tostada de un color cobrizo que aúna un generoso sabor afrutado con m ...atices de pan tostado y caramelo dulce. ALC/VOL IBU Cont 7% 19 330 ml Tipo Estilo País Ale Dubbel Bélgica Maridaje Carnes a la parrilla y asados.
Sin Stock
Cerveza con un muy buen sabor, pero muy pesada, la primera vez que la tomé me encantó pero la segunda vez que tomé una no pude acabarla al ser muy pesada, pero recomiendo probarla.
Mi primera trapense. Posee un color marron rojizo (o cobrizo como dice en la descripcion). Una capa de espuma que no llega a ser demasiado alta, poco densa y que duracion intermedia, dejando la espuma restante en forma grandes islotes y en el borde del recipiente. En boca resulta muy densa y gaseosa, en eso ultimo, casi como si se tratase de un refresco de cola o similar. El tema del sabor y el aroma lo encuentro semejante a la descripcion, con un evidente aroma, un sabor y un regusto (especialmente este ultimo) a albaricoque/melocoton. El sabor a alcohol no es especialmente perceptible. En resumen, es una cerveza buena y suave, que recomiendo a todo el que le interese el tema de la cerveza
Suave. Está bien.
Cerveza espesa, que se hace pesada pero con un sabor muy agradable