The Hamilton Beer & Wine Co
Chimay Wit, with its typical golden colour, its slightly hazy appearance and its fine head is especi ... The beer's flavour, as sensed in the mouth, comes from the smell of hops: above all it is the fruity notes of muscat and raisins that give this beer a particularly attractive aroma. The aroma ...
The Beer Cellar
Chimay Blanche (White), with its typical golden colour, its slightly hazy appearance and its fine he ...s and yeast. The beer's flavour, as sensed in the mouth, comes from the smell of hops: above all it is the fruity notes ...
(24x6.46) $155.00
The Beer Cellar
Chimay Cinq Cents Tripel 750ml
Chimay Blanche (White), with its typical golden colour, its slightly hazy appearance and its fine he ...s and yeast. The beer's flavour, as sensed in the mouth, comes from the smell of hops: above all it is the fruity notes ...
The Beer Cellar
Chimay Blanche (White), with its typical golden colour, its slightly hazy appearance and its fine he ...s and yeast. The beer's flavour, as sensed in the mouth, comes from the smell of hops: above all it is the fruity notes ...
Cerveza de sabor neutro pero que entra muy bien y sabe bien con un sabor suave aún siendo un poco fuerte de unos 8º de volumen,