Ground Zero - Imperial Fuck: O explozie de arome in fiecare inghititura. Aceasta bere artizanal ...a romaneasca, pionierul stilului Double IPA in tara, te va cuceri cu un profil aromatic complex si intens. Imagineaza-ti o cascada de arome de citrice suculente, fructe tropicale exotice si rasinoase
20,00 LEI
Anagram - Sweater Weather este o bere artizanala in stil Double IPA cu un continut de alcool de 7.9%
16,00 LEI
Blackout - Loophole (2024) este o adevarata incantare pentru simturi. Aceasta IPA moderna, cu o arom ...a intensa de citrice si tropice, te va cuceri cu gustul sau proaspat si racoritor.Ce face ca Blackout - Loophole (2024) sa fie atat de speciala?Hamei de inalta calitate: Utilizarea hameiului Citra, Mo
25,00 LEI
Hop Hooligans
EMPIRE OF LIGHT is bright and brimming with hops, with a pretty complex profile this time around - V ...y the awesome HBC1019 from @yakimachiefeu , with ridiculous notes of crème brûlée, peach and vanilla ice cream, and overripe honeydew melon.🍈🍑🍮It’s smooth, juicy, maybe even enlightening. ✨ ...
19,00 LEI
Mister Hop
Fris en subtiel van smaak. Door het gebruik van Idaho 7, Idaho Gem en Simcoe Cryo zijn er ontzettend ... veel verschillende fruitige smaken in de IPA gekomen, waardoor je met iedere slok weer wat nieuws kunt ontdekken.
7,50 €
Drink Online - Drink Shop
Hop Hooligans Crawling Distance v2.0 500ml CAN
DDH Double NEIPA, alc. 8%
7,69 €
Left Field Beer
Bereta Brewing Co - String Trail
Heavily Hopped Double IPA with HBC586 & Citra.
Blackout Brewing - Double Famous
New England Double IPA met Nelson, Idaho 7 & Nectaron Hop. 8..
6,75 €
Berero Store
Anagram incanta din nou, de data aceasta cu o bere artizanala in stil Double IPA, facuta in beraria ...proprie, o bere in care se regaseste hamei cat cuprinde, notele ierboase ale acestuia, acompaniate de un parfum placut in final. Hamei folosit: Enigma, Galaxy Alc. 7.9 % Cantitate 440ml
28,00 LEI
Berero Store
Anagram incanta din nou, de data aceasta cu o bere artizanala in stil Double IPA, facuta in beraria ...proprie, o bere in care se regaseste hamei cat cuprinde, notele ierboase ale acestuia, acompaniate de un parfum placut in final. Hamei folosit: Galaxy Alc. 7.9 % Cantitate 440ml
28,00 LEI
Berero Store
BLACKOUT iese in fata noastra cu o noua bere. De data aceasta este vorba de o bere facuta in curtea ...celor de la Bereta, locul unde acestia au inceput sa faca bere. Baietii ne prezinta un DDH IPA, cu mult hamei, intens, foarte fresh si usor de baut. Alc. 6% Cantitate 440 ml
25,00 LEI
Bereta Brewing Co.
Bere - Double IPA with Nelson Sauvin, Strata, Idaho7 ...904617
30,00 LEI
Ground Zero
Ground Zero IMPERIAL FUCK - Double IPA
O bere puternica, cu gust bogat, mai amara si mai aromata decat IPA, dar si cu o dulceata retinuta. ...Una dintre cele mai puternice beri produse in Romania. Aceasta bere preia rapid controlul limbii. Incepand chiar din partea din fata, unde poti simti dulceata coloanei vertebrale a maltului, alune..
21,00 LEI
Hop Hooligans
Remember this little number? FADING MEMORIES is back. ☁ It’s got the same fruity combo as before, H ...legum work hand in hand with jellied tangerine peel and sweet floral notes. Is candied potpourri a thing? It should be. 💐🥭💐 As everything else, stock is fleeting. ...
26,00 LEI
Berero Store
Hop Hooligans surprinde cu fiecare produs al lor, uneori chiar cu fiecare lot, insa de data aceasta ...Idaho7 , un hameiuri ce fac furori in State si Angla. Usor sec, fructat la maxim, parfumat in nas si cu un final ...
33,00 LEI
Hop Hooligans
Get ready for a heavy shot of juicy hops, straight to the noggin! 🧠💉 INTRUSION is back, and it’s di ...auvin, Strata and Idaho 7. 🛸 One of our favourite hop combos, each elements bringing complex fruity and herbal notes at the same time - ripe gooseberries and musty white grapes, spicy maracuja, o ...
26,00 LEI