Kelly’s Liquor
Great America Peach Flavored Beer 750ml
Brewed and bottled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains here in North Carolina. Great Americ ...…
Great America Strawberry 1- 23.5 oz Mason Jar
14.0% ABV Not quite a beer yet not exactly a spirit, this tasty malt beverage is a unique offering ... treasure packed with boozy goodness. Strawberry: Juicy and delightful, you’ll think this jar came straight from the strawberry fields. That’s some good picking right there. ...
Great America Peach 1 -23.5 oz Mason Jar
14% ABV Peach: Be careful when you take a bite out of this peach, it bites back. But don’t worry, ...a little peach fuzz never hurt nobody.
Great America Lemonade 623.5 oz Mason Jars
Description 14.0% ABV Every once in a while, you need a fresh lemon squeeze. Not too sweet, not to ...ired by the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, to be the first Flavored Malt Beverage Specialty moonshine. The beverage is a throwback to the past combined with a modern attitude, giving it a ...
(6x5.13) $30.79
Great America Lemonade 23.5oz Mason Jar
Description 14%ABV Every once in a while, you need a fresh squeeze. Not too sweet, not too tart, it ... Mountains, to be the first Flavored Malt Beverage Specialty moonshine. The beverage is a throwback to the past combined with a modern attitude, giving it a flavor all its own. ...
Great America Blueberry 1 -23.5 oz Mason Jar
Brewed and bottled in Detroit, Michigan, inspired by the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, to b ...ined with a modern attitude, giving it a flavor all its own. 14% ABV Blueberry: For a completely unique taste, try our Blueberry. Tart, sweet and unexpected, we promise you won’t end up like V ...