Hoegaarden Grand Cru Strong Golden Ale 33cl
De Grand Cru is de Tripel van Hoegaarden. Een klassieker met een zoete moutigheid en fruitigheid, de ...nk aan banaan en perzik. Het bier heeft mooie kruidige tonen van koriander, een zacht mondgevoel en verwarmende alcohol in de afdronk.
3,05 €
Etre Gourmet
Blanche/Witbier brewed with clementine peel, lime peel and corander.
3,21 €
Vedett Extra White heeft een zachte graanachtige structuur, een subtiele zoetigheid en een licht gep ...arfumeerde, honingachtige nasmaak
2,00 €
Een lichte, goudheerlijke dorstlesser wiens naam verwijst naar de in het wit gehulde Norbertijnen-or ... terwijl de aromatische tonen van sinaasappelschillen, koriander en wilde bloesem voor de frisheid zorgen. Zoet en zuur gaan hand in hand, licht geprikkeld door een mooi bittertje op de achtergro ...
2,65 €
Lefebvre Blanche De Bruxelles Witbier 33cl
Blanche de Bruxelles wordt gebrouwen met 40 % zachte tarwe. Dit witbier heeft een natuurlijk opaalac ...htige kleur met een zeer witte en dichte schuimkraag.
1,95 €
Du Bocq Blanche De Namur Witbier 25cl
Blanche de Namur is een troebel, elegant en mild tarwebier. floraal en fruitig tegelijk, met subtiel ...e accenten van koriander en sinaasappelschil. De neus is fris en delicaat.
1,65 €
Belgian Beer Traders
Brewed with 2 pilsnermalts and wheatmalt. Flavoured with chamomille.
1,66 €
Belgian Beer Traders
Timmermans Lambicus Blanche 37.5cl
There is no other beer like Timmermans Tradition Lambicus Blanche anywhere in the world. It is made ...ion of spices such as coriander and dried orange zest, the beer has a light, fruity flavour, deliberately cloudy and subtly spicy. Should ideally be drunk from an authentic stoneware jug. An unco ...
2,07 €
Belgian Beer Traders
St Bernardus Wit is a traditional Belgian white beer developed and brewed in collaboration with the ...The head is white and dense. In aroma, it has a wheaty, apple-like, tartness; herbal-spicy notes with coriander and orangey fruitness and honeyish sweetness. Very refreshing: perfect thirst quenc ...
4,35 €
Belgian Beer Traders
St Bernardus Wit is a traditional Belgian white beer developed and brewed in collaboration with the ...The head is white and dense. In aroma, it has a wheaty, apple-like, tartness; herbal-spicy notes with coriander and orangey fruitness and honeyish sweetness. Very refreshing: perfect thirst quenc ...
1,12 €
Belgian Beer Traders
Maneblusser Wit is a fresh, fruity wheat beer brewed with coriander and citrus fruits. Its pale, cl ...oudy colour brings to mind summer wheat fields.
1,31 €
Belgian Beer Traders
Lefebvre Blanche de Bruxelles 33cl
Brewed using 40% soft wheat, Blanche de Bruxelles has a naturally opalescent colour with a very whi ...iced nose. Although soft and smooth on the palate, as is typical of soft wheat beers, this light and well-balanced white beer is very fresh. Its complex aroma and modest alcohol content make Blan ...
1,06 €
Belgian Beer Traders
A unique, authentic Belgian wheat beer with a brewing tradition dating back to 1445, Hoegaarden is ... orange peels and coriander. The beer is first top fermented and then bottle conditionned, resulting in a distinctive cloudy-white appearance and refreshing taste experience. Hoegaarden is a unfi ...
0,95 €
Belgian Beer Traders
Gruut Wit Bier is very aromatic with a fragant fruity smell and a slightly herbaceous sharpness. Th ...e body is light, but soft; Thanks to the spices, the flavors are ‘round’, very fine and complex. The first impression is a spicy dryness, but there is also a slight, creamy sweetness underlying.
1,27 €
Belgian Beer Traders
Grimbergen Summer is a non-filtered abbey beer, brewed with barley, wheat and the unique citrus her ...b ‘bergamot’. Drink this abbey beer well cooled and discover its full bodied and at the same time refreshing taste. Ideal for the summer.
1,90 €
Belgian Beer Traders
Floris Wit Blanche 33cl from Brouwerij Huyghe available at in Belgian Beer Traders™ online shop.
1,18 €
Belgian Beer Traders
Colour and sight: Yellow blond, slightly cloudy because of the wheat beer. Scent: honey and more particular Acaia honey, a subtle hint of vanilla. Flavour: Sweet and light bitter, evolving into the rich taste palate of honey.
1,96 €
Belgian Beer Traders
Grisette Blanche Bio belongs to the rich family of Belgian white beers. It is therefore very refres ...s typical of wheaty beers – creamy and compact – with an opaque, hazy appearance. Respecting traditional methods, Grisette Blanche, in bottle, is now certified organic. ...
0,90 €
Belgian Beer Traders
Dupont Blanche Du Hainaut Biologique 25cl
The Blanche du Hainaut Bio is a top fermentation white beer with refermentation in the bottle. The ..., also organic coriander and organic orange peel are added to the wort while boiling. This Blanche du Hainaut Bio is a light beer, melow with a touch a bitterness, but also very refreshing due ...
1,17 €
Belgian Beer Traders
Blanche de Namur was the daughter of Count Jean de Namur. It is said that Magnus IV Eriksson, King ...f a prestigious wife. The princess embarked for Scandinavia in August 1335 and never saw the banks of the Meuse to become Queen of Norway , Sweden and Skåne. In memory of her beauty, her gentle ...
3,01 €
Belgian Beer Traders
Blanche de Namur was the daughter of Count Jean de Namur. It is said that Magnus IV Eriksson, King ...f a prestigious wife. The princess embarked for Scandinavia in August 1335 and never saw the banks of the Meuse to become Queen of Norway, Sweden and Skåne. In memory of her beauty, her gentlen ...
0,90 €
Belgian Beer Traders
Look: It has a slightly stronger colour than white beers usually have, certainly pale but with the nose, entirely in the yeast, even slightly floral. The freshness seems to be its main quality. In the mouth: The first supple flavour without being too bitter, almost round in the mouth. Pla ...
3,81 €
Belgian Beer Traders
Look: It has a slightly stronger colour than white beers usually have, certainly pale but with the nose, entirely in the yeast, even slightly floral. The freshness seems to be its main quality. In the mouth: The first supple flavour without being too bitter, almost round in the mouth. Pla ...
1,50 €
Belgian Beer Traders
Fagnes Blanche is a Witbier style beer brewed by Brasserie Des Fagnes in Mariembourg, Belgium.
3,87 €
Belgian Beer Traders
A freshly brewed white beer based on barley and wheat. Ideal thirst quencher of high fermentation o ...combine with fish, pasta and spiced dishes. For a cloudy effect just turn the bottle over so that the depot mixes with the beer. ...
1,63 €
Belgian Beer Traders
Abbaye des Rocs Blanche des Honnelles 75cl
Very local to its creation (1991), this Blanche has since crossed the banks of the large and the sm ...path. It is presented with an amber dress that is after all the traditional dress of the white period. Then it shows a higher alcohol volume (6%) than that of the Whites we know. And finally, its ...
3,19 €
Belgian Beer Traders
Abbaye des Rocs Blanche des Honnelles 33cl
Very local to its creation (1991), this Blanche has since crossed the banks of the large and the sm ...path. It is presented with an amber dress that is after all the traditional dress of the white period. Then it shows a higher alcohol volume (6%) than that of the Whites we know. And finally, its ...
1,43 €
Produttore: Dupont Stile: Blanche - Witbier Colore: Bianca Grado Alcolico: 5,50%
2,95 €
Clássica, leve e refrescante. A cerveja belga, Blanche de Bruges tem notas condimentadas e cítricas, ... remetendo a laranja. Perfeita para os dias quente
SteenBrugge Wit-Blanche 33 Cl.
Produttore: Palm Breweries Stile: Blanche - Witbier Colore: Bianca Grado Alcolico: 5,00%
2,70 €
Birre da Manicomio
La birra Troublette fa parte del marchio Caracole, ed è una delle Blanche più buone del Belgio. Ques ...apori fruttati, complessi, di agrumi e mela. Una non filtrata dalle mille sfacettature, che regala sentori speziati, e un finale aciulo. La Troublette è una non filtrata dal forte potere dissetan ...
4,54 €
Birre da Manicomio
La St Bernardus Wit è una birra Blanche Belga, prodotta dal famoso birrificio St Bernardus. Birra d& ...Ha un corpo morbido, leggero, leggermente amaro e meno speziato delle classiche Blanche belghe a cui siamo solitamente abituati. Il lievito dona a questa birra un sapore distintivo, quasi piccan ...
2,90 €
Birre da Manicomio
La Lupulus Blanche è una birra bianca prodotta dal famoso birrificio belga Lupulus. Di colore giallo ... equilibrio tra sapore amaro e dolce. Il profumo di agrumi è pungente e intenso, al palato è difficile da raccontarla: particolare, leggera, rispecchia in maniera intensa gli aromi. La particolar ...
3,18 €
Birre da Manicomio
La Corsendonk Blanche è una Birra bianca di frumento, non filtrata, prodotta in Belgio con materie ...l profumo classico di lievito. Ha un sapore intenso classico dello stile Blanche, agrumato, con un amaro ben equilibrato e sentori di limone e spezie. E’ una artigianale molto beverina e di ...
3,06 €
Birre da Manicomio
La Blanche de Namur è una birra Belga stile Blanche, cioè non filtrata detta anche: Birra Bianca (e ... un bel profumo agrumato e speziato, che si rispecchia nel gusto, in quanto la sua ricetta prevede l’uso del coriandolo e del curacao. Viene ancora prodotta seguendo una’antica ricett ...
2,80 €
Birre da Manicomio
La Blanche de Bruxelles è una Beer Blanche, cioè una birra bianca non Filtrata, tra le più famose Bl ...parte delle birre belghe. Grazie soprattutto alla rifermentazione sviluppa sapori intensi. Sia al profumo che al gusto ripropone le fragranze di agrodolce delle scorze d’arancia, curacao e ...
2,88 €
Produttore: Lupulus (Les 3 Fourquets) Stile: Blanche - Witbier Colore: Bianca Grado Alcolico: ... 4,50%
3,60 €