Caps and Taps
Crossover Blendery damascene 2022 6.5% (750ml)
Process: A blend of 1 & 2 year old golden ales brewed with malted barley, malted rye, malted oat ...onto Damascene damsons (Styan Family Produce, Worcestershire) in tank. It remained there for 4 months with punch-downs performed during the initial stages of refermentation. The beer was then ble ...
Caps and Taps
Crossover Blendery Barbarian Lands 6% (750ml)
Golden ale brewed with 60% malted barley and 40% raw wheat. Spontaneously fermented and aged in neut ...rom the 2021 harvest. The vegetable was from Styan Family Produce in Worcestershire. It remained on rhubarb for two week ...