Imperial Pastry Stout with Cocoa, Vanilla and Coconut
Imperial Stout long boil de 6 horas para aportar cuerpo y dulzor ademas de amplificar las notas acarameladas y achocolatadas de la malta, madurada con nibs de cacao congoleño tostado
Kaitxo coffee and chocolate. Densa, compleja y aterciopelada en el paladar, un postre liquido para degustar con calma.
Imperial Stout long boil for 6 hours to provide body and sweetness as well as amplify the caramel and chocolate notes of the malt, matured with roasted Congolese cocoa nibs by Kaitxo coffee and chocolate. Dense, complex and velvety on the palate, a liquid dessert to be enjoyed calmly. Ver menos