De Biersalon
Buxton Chocolate Suzette Buttermilk Pancake Stack
Known the world over for its layers of limestone folded into quarries, Buxton certainly has that je sais quoi. Similar to our latest creation, inspired by the famous French dessert with rich chocolate with a citrus twist.
7,59 €
Left Field Beer
Buxton Brewery - Chocolate Suzette Buttermilk Pancake Stack
Known the world over for its layers of limestone folded into quarries, Buxton certainly has that je sais quoi. Similar to our latest creation, inspired by the famous French dessert with rich chocolate with a citrus twist. S
Buxton Brewery Chocolate Suzette Buttermilk Pancake Stack
Пейстрі стаут, який імітує смак панкейків з шоколадом та цитрусами. ...
549 грн.
Rebel Beer Cans
Buxton Brewery – Chocolate Suzette Buttermilk Pancake Stack
Chocolate Suzette Buttermilk Pancake Stack van Buxton Brewery uit Buxton, Derbyshire, Engeland is ee ...n Imperial Pastry Stout van 9,7%.
7,99 €