Arbre A Biere
La Brugse Zot blonde est une bière équilibrée, de haute fermentation qui titre 6°, véritables bière ...riétés de malt et deux houblons différents ce qui lui donne son caractère.Au nez arômes fruités et épicés et en bouche elle dégage des notes d'agrumes, l'amertume est légère mais bien équilibrée, ...
Sin Stock
Halve Maan Brugse Zot 6% 24x33cl
La bière Brugse Zot est une bière belge réputée qui provient de la ville de Bruges. Elle est brassée ...obe dorée avec une belle mousse persistante. Au nez, on peut sentir des arômes de malt, de levure et de fruits. En bouche, elle est douce et ronde, avec des saveurs de houblon et de sucre caramél ...
Sin Stock
Baggot Street Wines
Four different kinds of malt, and two different kinds of hops give this golden ale plenty of fruit c ...haracter and well balanced spice.
Sin Stock
Sweeney’s D3
Every single drop of Brugse Zot has been brewed in the city centre of Bruges for six generations. Th ...and a complex character full of fruity and spicy aromas. It is a balanced beer that knows how to playfully charm everyone’s taste buds. ...
Sin Stock
Independent Spirit of Bath
Made in Bruges by the Halve Maan Brewery using 4 different malts to give it a distinctive big body a ...nd sweet malt character, while the unique yeast adds notes of banana and plum. 1 x 75cl 6%ABV
Sin Stock
Brugse Zot Blond 6% (330ml bottle)
Brugse Zot Blond is a golden blond beer with a rich foam collar and a fruity yet spicy bouquet. The its inimitable taste. The palate is complex and tends towards a certain bitterness. Even hints of citrus can be discovered. Brugse Zot is a natural beer, born out of a selection of only the ...
Sin Stock
Heaton Hops
Brouwerij De Halve Maan Brugse Zot Belgian Blonde
Brugse Zot is a goldenblond beer with a rich froth and a fruity flavouring. The beer is brewed with ...four different kinds of malt and two aromatic varieties of hop which give the beer its unique taste. With an alcochol degrees proof of 6 % Vol it is a well balanced, easy drinking beer with […]
Sin Stock
Bigcrafters - Estrella Galicia
Brugse Zot Blond, 24 botellas 33 cl
La Brugse Zot Blond es la cerveza perfecta para disfrutar la tradición cervecera belga en cada sorbo .... ¡Descúbrela en Bigcrafters y llévatela a casa!
Sin Stock
Beers & More 77
De Halve Maan Brugse Zot Blond Blond fles 33 cl 6,00%
Blond Brugse stadsbier van 6%, fruitige en kruidige aroma's met citrus toetsen
Sin Stock
The Triangle
Brugse Zot - Blonde - 6% Belgian Blonde Beer - 330ml Bottle
The delicious golden blond speciality beer full of flavour: with a rich collar and a complex charact ...’s taste buds. FLAVOUR The taste points rather towards bitterness with citrusy hints. COLOUR A bright, clear and sparkly golden blond speciality beer. SCENT A fruity and spicy aroma. ...
Sin Stock
The Hop Vault
Brouwerij De Halve Maan Brugse Zot
ABV 6% - 330ml - Belgian Blonde - £3 "Brugse Zot is a golden blond beer with a rich froth and a fru ...op which give the beer its unique taste. With an alcohol degrees proof of 6 % Vol it is a well balanced, easy drinking beer with character. Brugse Zot is a natural beer born out of a selection ...
Sin Stock
Otherworld Brewing ( antigua duplicada)
Description The quintessential Belgian blonde ale against which all other blondes are compared. It ...y and sweet malt character, while the unique yeast adds notes of banana and plum. The beer has a crisp, clean finish thanks to the hops that also bring a dried-fruit-like edge to the beer. 6% / ...
Sin Stock
Dicey Reillys
Brugse Zot Blond is a golden blond beer with a rich foam collar and a fruity yet spicy bouquet. The its inimitable taste. The palate is complex and tends towards a certain bitterness. Even hints of citrus can be discovered. Brugse Zot is a natural beer, born out of a selection of only the ...
Sin Stock
Bine & Vine
Brugse Zot Blond The official table beer of the city of Bruges, Bruges Zot is a delicious blonde be harks back to the late Middle Ages, when the Emperor Maximilian of Austria visited Bruges. Bruges Zot is a very drinkable thirst-quencher with bags of character, brewed with four varieties of ...
Sin Stock
Caps and Taps
Brugot Zot Blond is a golden blonde beer with a rich foam collar and a fruity and spicy aroma. The b ...eer is brewed with four different types of malt and two aromatic hop varieties that give the beer a unique taste.
Sin Stock
Jackman Store
Cerveza Belga Brugse Zot Blond Bot 330 ML
Disfruta de su 6% de alcohol y su sabor único que podrá evocar melocotón y cítricos. pruébala con lo ...s postres a base de frutos rojos.
Sin Stock
Mas Que Cervezas
Ficha Técnica Nombre del Producto: BRUGSE ZOT 33CL Categoría: Producto Descripción: BRUGSE ZOT 33CL ... proceso de fermentación cuidado. Detalles Técnicos: ABV (Alcohol by Volume): 5.0% IBU (International Bitterness Units): ...
Sin Stock
Rabbit Hop
Smell - Taste (Apricot, caramel, raisins) Aftertaste (Slightly sweet, tropical fruits) Belgium A ...BV 6% By De Halve Maan Style: Blonde Ale
Sin Stock
PHouse – Đồ Uống Cao Cấp
Bia Brugse Zot Blond 6% Chai 330ml Thùng 24 Chai
Xuất xứ: Bia Bỉ Nồng độ cồn: 6% Màu sắc bia: Vàng Quy cách: chai 330ml, thùng 24 chai Giá nguyê ...bềnh, mềm mịn nhìn khá bắt mắt. Với nồng độ cồn 6% của mình, Brugse Zot Blond khá thích hợp để bạn có thể uống và trải nghiệm. Brugse Zot Blond được ủ bởi 4 loại mạch nha khác nhau cùng 2 loại ho ...
Sin Stock
Brouwerij de Halve Maan Brugse Zot - 33 CL
Brugse Zot is een goudblond bier met een rijk schuim en een fruitige smaak. Het bier wordt gebrouwen ...ven. Met een alcoholgehalte van 6% Vol is het een evenwichtig, makkelijk drinkbaar bier met karakter. Brugse Zot is een ...
Sin Stock
VLC Gourmet
Cerveza rubia, tipo PALE ALE, de color ámbar dorado, con aroma especiado y afrutado, rica espuma, co ...Brujas, con cuatro estilos distintos de malta y dos de lúpulo. La fermentación en botella asegura una durabilidad natural más prolongada. Origen: Bélgica Tipo: Ale Color: Rubio pálido Grad ...
Sin Stock
Rond Point
La Brugse Zot Blonde est une bière blonde coiffée d'une mousse généreuse et qui révèle des arômes à ... et deux espèces aromatiques de houblon qui lui confèrent son goût si caratéristique. Outre une légère amertume bien équilibrée, son spectre gustatif complexe dégage des notes d'agrumes. L ...
Sin Stock
La brugse Zot est une bière Blonde. Elle est vêtue d’une robe blonde accompagnée d’une fine mousse b ...entiellement des saveurs houblonnées, maltées et faiblement caramélisées. La finale apporte une faible amertume très agréable. ...
Sin Stock
The Drop Brighton
De Halve Maan - Brugse Zot, 6.0%
Brugse Zot Blond is a golden blond beer with a rich foam collar and a fruity yet spicy bouquet. The its inimitable taste.The palate is complex and tends towards a certain bitterness. Even hints of citrus can be discov ...
Sin Stock
Oranjegeel blond bier met fijne schuimkraag en een alcoholpercentage van 6%. Moutzoutig van smaak in ... combinatie met de frisse hopbitterheid en een aangename afdronk. Handig in 75 cl. Brugse Zot Blond is afkomstig van brouwerij de Halve Maan uit België.
Sin Stock
Chester Beer & Wine
De Halve Maan Brugse Zot Blonde (33cl)
Description “De Halve Maan” (Half Moon) is the only family brewery in the centre of Bru, brewed according to a unique and traditional recipe using 4 different malts to give it a distinctive big body and sweet malt character, while the unique yeast adds notes of banana and plum. ...
Sin Stock
Brugse Zot is a goldenblond beer with a rich froth and a fruity flavouring. The beer is brewed with ... With an alcochol degrees proof of 6 %, it is a well balanced, easy drinking beer with character. Brugse Zot is a natura ...
Sin Stock
Beer Paradise
DE HALVE MAAN Brugse Zot Blonde 6.0%
Product DetailsBrugse Zot Blond is a golden blond beer with a rich foam collar and a fruity yet spic ...ich give the beer its inimitable taste. RATEBEER SCORE UNTAPPD SCORE BREWERY INFO De Halve MaanDe Halve Maan Brewing Company is a family brewery in the heart of Bruges, Belgium. The brewe ...
Sin Stock
Kraft Werks
Brouwerij De Halve Maan Brugse Zot Gift Pack
Style: Belgian Beer Gift Pack ABV: 6% - 7.5%
Sin Stock
Bier en Borrels
Merk/Huis: Halve Maan, Brugse Zot Soort: Blond Percentage: 6% Land/Regio: België, Brugge inhoud: 33
Sin Stock
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