Purvis Beer
Boon Schaarbeekse Kriek 2019 375ml
This Schaarbeekse cherry is a variety tart-acidic cherry which was unique to the Lambic Region that ...for use in fruit lambic. So to make a Kriek with these cherries is to be truly Traditional. Oude Kriek Boon is one of the finest examples of the 100% spontaneous fermentation fruit-Lambic style. ...
The Beer Barrel
Boon - Oude Schaarbeekse Kriek 2019
Boon - Oude Schaarbeekse Kriek 2019 Price: $18 The rich, complex flavour of this beer resulted from ...on of using Schaarbeekse cherries. Oude Schaarbeekse Kriek Boonis made with 250 grams of Schaarbeek cherries per litre. These cherriesare harvested in Belgium and have astrong flavour. They combi ...