Todo el Mundo | Birrapedia

Cervecerías Todo el Mundo. 5000 empresas.



We are Oedipus Brewing, an Amsterdam based brewery founded by four friends. We brew a wide variety of beers. Our Taproom has 12 rotating taps. Be Welcome!

64 Beers - 103 Prices Netherlands Austria United Kingdom ... Cyprus France

Brouwerij Boon

Brouwerij Boon

Brouwerij Boon is het levenswerk van Frank Boon, die vaak omschreven wordt als ‘redder van de geuze’. Einde jaren zeventig nam hij een zieltogende geuzestekerij over, vastberaden om de lokale geuze-traditie te doen herleven. Doorheen de jaren bleef Brouwerij Boon groeien, met het gr ...

64 Beers - 769 Prices Belgium Netherlands United Kingdom ... Denmark Switzerland Italy Germany Chile Poland Czech Republic France Australia Hungary Spain Russian Federation Singapore New Zealand United States Austria Ireland Mexico Brazil Malta Ukraine Lithuania Portugal Hong Kong

Lakes Brew Co

Lakes Brew Co

Fate brought us together at Hawkshead Brewery and in a short time it became clear we shared a passion for great beer and many ideals. After being made redundant at the beginning of lockdown restrictions in March 2020. Matt, Michelle, Steve & Paul reunited as Lakes Brew Co. Bringing together ...

63 Beers - 51 Prices United Kingdom Denmark



Joannes Cammaert en zijn vrouw waren de boeren die de brouwerij startte. In de Opkomst van de Geuze (19e eeuw) waren er veel boeren die begonnen te brouwen, en zoals sommige families dat nog steeds doen. Op het einde van 19e eeuw trouwde Martinus Eylenbosch met Anna Maria Cammaert. Sindsdien l ...

63 Beers - 180 Prices France Belgium United Kingdom ... Germany Netherlands Denmark Spain Italy

Deer Bear

Deer Bear

Browar Deer Bear istnieje od roku 2015. W niedługim okresie czasu udało nam się uwarzyć kilkanaście rodzajów piwa. Warząc piwo dobieramy surowce od sprawdzonych dostawców z każdego zakątka świata. Korzystamy z chmielu ze Stanów Zjednoczonych, Polski, Nowej Zelandii, słod&oa ...

63 Beers - 2 Prices Netherlands Poland



Born out of a love of science. Inspired by a life of travel. Atom began its journey in 2014; its mission: to create a community built on collaboration, education and a shared passion for beer and the brewing process.Proudly launched from an industrial unit in Hull by scientists Allan and Sarah, ...

63 Beers - 5 Prices United Kingdom

Dogma Brewery

Dogma Brewery

Dogma is a statement. Our beer gives you a statement of quality, passion and art of brewing the finest crafts.We are dedicated to making special hoppy ales, using the best natural ingredients. In our fermenters we mix not only knowledge, love, imagination, experience but also lucidity. We will ...

63 Beers - 13 Prices Cyprus Netherlands

Brasserie Jukebox

Brasserie Jukebox

Créée en 2022, la Brasserie Jukebox est située au cœur de Cognac, en Charente. C’est l’histoire de trois amis qui partagent une passion commune pour la bière Craft et qui ont décidé de s’associer pour créer une brasserie & ...

62 Beers - 54 Prices France Spain Netherlands

Hopfully Brewing

Hopfully Brewing

Based in Ireland, we’re what’s called gypsy or contract brewery. Each one of our beer labels is designed by different illustrators to complement the uniqueness we aim to bring to every brew. I hope you enjoy drinking our beers as much as we enjoy brewing them. Cheers!

62 Beers - 59 Prices Ireland Netherlands Spain ... Portugal Russian Federation

Pivovar Clock

Pivovar Clock

Řemeslný pivovar v Potštejně. Od roku 2014 vaříme v Potštejně řemeslné pivo. Začali jsme jako domovarníci a nyní okupujeme prvorepublikovou továrnu, ve které vaříme pivo, které sami chceme pít. Věříme, že ...

62 Beers - 45 Prices Czech Republic

Birrificio Lambrate

Birrificio Lambrate

En 1996, cuando se elaboró la primera cerveza en Lambrate eran 3 socios y producían 2 cervezas en su brewpub. Hoy en día son 5 socios y mucha gente trabajando en el brewpub, con 18 cervezas, 2000 litros por lote en lugar de los 150 iniciales. Su misión es cumplir con ...

62 Beers - 10 Prices Italy Netherlands United Kingdom

8 bit Brewing Company

8 bit Brewing Company

8 bit Brewing Company. Craft beer and food.

61 Beers - 32 Prices Mexico United States Netherlands

Ritual Lab

Ritual Lab

Brewing & Growing Vieni a scoprire il mondo Ritual Lab; passione, dedizione e ricerca per creare un prodotto di alta qualità curato sotto ogni minimo dettaglio. I più alti standard qualitativi, personalità e innovazione caratterizzano tutte le nostre birre. L’arte di ...

61 Beers - 115 Prices Slovakia Italy Switzerland ... Netherlands Bulgaria Denmark Spain France Portugal

Revision Brewing Company

Revision Brewing Company

Revision Brewing Company’s Brewmaster and CEO hails from Knee Deep Brewing Company out of Auburn, CA, a company that he originally founded out of his garage in Sparks, Nevada. In July of 2015, Jeremy Warren (Founder and former Brewmaster of Knee Deep Brewing Company) decided to sell his s ...

61 Beers - 23 Prices Singapore Netherlands

S43 Brewery

S43 Brewery

We are S43 Brewery, we win awards, we strive to deliver with quality, flavour, individuality and a little bit of personality

61 Beers

Tamango Brebajes

Tamango Brebajes

Tamango Brebajes es cerveza fresca, independiente. No creemos en lo que dicta el mercado o la industria, nos guiamos por pasión e instinto. Nos gusta innovar, nos gusta sorprender, no tenemos reglas. Esperamos que eso se vea reflejado en cada una de nuestras cervezas.  

61 Beers - 42 Prices Chile

The Flying Inn

The Flying Inn

Cerveceros errantes. Homeless brewers. Beer Quixotes in a crusade against boring, heartless beers. Hacemos la cerveza que queremos beber.

61 Beers

De Dochter van de Korenaar

De Dochter van de Korenaar

De Dochter Van de Korenaar - La hija de la espiga, es la traducción al castellano del apelativo usado en el siglo XV, de forma coloquial, para referirse a la cerveza. Además hace referencia a una frase que pronunció públicamente, según las antiguas crón ...

61 Beers - 262 Prices Netherlands Belgium Denmark ... Germany Portugal Italy Hungary Spain Switzerland



Brekeriet tells the story of the three brothers Ek; Fredrik, Christian and André. With different backgrounds in business and food engineering we decided to team up and start a beer import firm in the spring of 2010. Our future goal was set from the start – to start a brewery of our own, ...

61 Beers - 8 Prices Belgium Spain Portugal

Underwood Brewery

Underwood Brewery

Привіт, друже. Ми Underwood Brewery, і ми варимо пиво під лісом. Чому і щоб що? В якийсь момент 2015 року ми зрозуміли, що не можемо знайти в магазині цікавого українського пива, а в нашому кошику завжди імпортне. Начитавшись книжок, спробували зварити щось вдома, і в нас вийшло! Друзям сподоба ...

60 Beers - 16 Prices Ukraine Lithuania