Lúpulo de orígen inglés destinado mayoritariamente a aroma.
4,15 €
Vendo Lúpulo
Turba enriquecida con Humus de Lombriz Versol. Sacos de dos tamaños 9 y 70 litros.
3,25 €
La Cabaña del Cervecero
Lúpulo de aroma. Usado típicamente al final del hervido o en dry hopping. Presenta notas de frutas t ...rojas, pero lo que lo diferencia de otras variedades son las notas de vino blanco (similar a Nelson Sauvin), que se describe más a menudo como "Pinot Gris". ...
7,25 €
Vendo Lúpulo
Planta de lúpulo enraizada en maceta para trasplantar. Variedad de lúpulo Hersbrucker.
8,00 €
Molina For brewers
Lúpulo con alto % de aceite. Para amargor y aroma. ... Referencia: 2086473 Aroma: ...
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Molina For brewers
Lúpulo para aroma desarrollado en Alsacia. Muy apreciado por su delicado aroma de frutas tropicales ...ripel y Lagers. Marca: COMPTOIR AGRICOLE Referencia: ...
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The Beer Lab
A new offering from the Hop Products Australia breeding program, Enigma is a high alpha variety that ... beer. Enigma has gained a reputation for being a “chameleon” in that different aspects of this enigmatic variety are accentuated depending on things like wort composition, yeast choice, and othe ...
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The Beer Lab
East Kent Golding Hops Pellets
Universally the first choice for an aroma hop in English Ales. Very mild with pleasant, flowery over ...st hops stand out against the malt. This unusual hop actually blends in and complements the malt flavors. You truly cannot add too much at the end of a boil as an aroma/flavor hop. Often referred ...
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The Beer Lab
Ekuanot® is one of the newest hop varietals released and has been received with much acclaim. Releas ...e ridiculously high oil content (2.5-4 ml/100g!) and desirable aromatics have lead breweries of all sizes to flock to this hop. Great for all beer styles but definitely featured in IPAs and other ...
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Molina For brewers
Lúpulo relativamente nuevo, lanzado en 2010 originario del clima más frio del valle de Yakima. Ideal ...a: Charles Faram & Co LTD Referencia: 1300633 ...
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The Beer Lab
El Dorado is an exceptional new dual purpose hop with both high Alpha Acid and intense flavors and a ...ns, El Dorado brings bright tropical fruit flavors and aromas of pear, watermelon, and stone fruit. Origin: USA Alpha Acid Composition 13%-17% Beta Acid Composition 7%-8% Co- ...
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Molina For brewers
Lúpulo aromático aunque también valido para amargor. En late hopping desarrolla sabores dulces, suav ... Charles Faram & Co LTD Referencia: 1102913 ...
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