House of Ales
Particularly aromatic with wheat and typically yeast-flowered. Balanced fruit and yeast aroma. Mild, ... creamy and harmonious.
Wee Beer Shop
Description Traditional Bavarian Hefeweizen/Wheat beer. Light citrus notes with flavours of banana, and clove. 5.2% 500ml bottle
Sin Stock
The Epicurean
Gutmann, Hefeweizen, German Wheat Beer, 5.2%, 500ml
Particularly aromatic with wheat and typically yeast-flowered. Balanced fruit and yeast aroma. Mild, ... creamy and harmonious.
Sin Stock
All Good Beer
Gutmann - Helles Hefeweizen 5.2% 500ml Bottle
Over 300 years years of brewing with Headquarters at Titting Castle. Gutmann still maintains it's ow ...n malthouse. Thier classic Bavarian Weissbier Helles is aromatic with a soft creamy mouthfeel.
Sin Stock
Beers of Europe
A top fermented speciality beer. Craft brewed to the Bavarian Purity laws.
Sin Stock