Half Time
Boulevard Brewing Co The Sixth Glass
A quadrupel ale, also meant for the mature connoisseur, is a deep and mysterious libation, dark aub ...urn and full-bodied, its sweetness deceptive. As Ole describes the glasses in turn, their contents become more ominous until, in the sixth glass...
Sin Stock
Petite Cellars
Boulevard Brewing Company Sixth Glass Quadrupel 6 pack 12 oz. Bottle
A brown colored, full bodied beer with a complex fruity, estery aroma, a rich, sweet, caramel malt f ...…
Sin Stock
Outback Liquors
Boulevard Brewing Company The Sixth Glass Quadrupel Ale 6 pack
"Do you know what dwells in a glass?" asks Ole, in Hans Christian Andersen's The Watchman of the Tow ...…
Sin Stock