New Belgium La Folie Oak-Aged Flanders 2008 750ml
6% La Folie, French for “the folly,” is a beer steeped in New Belgium brewing tradition ... the beer finally hits the glass, La Folie is sharp and sour, full of green apple, cherry, and plum-skin notes. Pouring a deep mahogany, the mouthfeel will get you puckering while the smooth fini ...
De Dolle Brouwers Oerbier Special Reserva Oud Bruin 2010 33cl
12% De Dolle Oerbier Reserva is a specially matured version of De Dolle Oerbier. This version of De ...s in three different ways. The flavors of the wood, that are used to improve wine, can come out into the beer, creating oaky, and tannic flavors. The red wine itself that has soaked into the wood ...
De Dolle Brouwers Oerbier Special Reserva Oud Bruin 2002 33cl
12% De Dolle Oerbier Reserva is a specially matured version of De Dolle Oerbier. This version of De ...s in three different ways. The flavors of the wood, that are used to improve wine, can come out into the beer, creating oaky, and tannic flavors. The red wine itself that has soaked into the wood ...