BoozeBud | Birrapedia
Leffe Brune 330ml

Australia BoozeBud

Leffe Brune 330ml

Leffe Brune is an authentic abbey beer, brewed according to the traditional recipe of the Abbey of L ...effe. Leffe Brune has a delicate taste of vanilla and clove, and the full aroma of toffee and caramel. A timeless beer for those moments, where you would like to turn back the clock.


Westmalle Dubbel 330ml

Australia BoozeBud

Westmalle Dubbel 330ml

The ale under consideration is a reddish-brown trappist variant, characterized by a malty and fruity ...ead. The bouquet offers a robust composition of esters and fruity notes. Distinguishing markers of ripe banana are notably present. The flavor profile is a mix of fruity and slight bitterness, cu ...


St. Bernardus Prior 8 330ml

Australia BoozeBud

St. Bernardus Prior 8 330ml

St. Bernardus Prior 8 is a traditional abbey beer, brewed in the classic dubbel style. The original ...lour: This delicious beer is chestnut brown, emitting a deep red glow and presenting a lovely rounded head. ...


St. Bernardus Pater 6 330ml

Australia BoozeBud

St. Bernardus Pater 6 330ml

St. Bernardus Pater 6 is crafted in the traditional dubbel style, adhering to a recipe originating f ...g a chestnut-brown hue topped with a creamy head, this brew transcends the typical brown beer profile. It masterfully blends the profound flavors of specialty malt with the vivacious fruitiness o ...


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