Blackout V-Blend - Auchentoshan & Fiji Rum BA
Blackout Vanilla void - Bourbon BA - 14% - 33cl ...;2: Aged for 15 months in a bourbon barrel. Blackout Brewing company Blackout brewing is begonnen ...
11,69 €
De Biersalon
5th Anniversary blend of Fiji Rum and Auchentoshan Whisky barrel aged imperial stout, finished with ...coffee and 3 types of cinnamon (C5 Alba, Cassia Bark and Ceylon).
10,29 €
BLACKOUT iese in fata noastra cu noi beri artizanale. Una din acestea este un Imperial Stout anivers ...ar cu cafea si 3 tipuri de scortisoara invechit in butoaie de rom Fiji si whiskey Auchentoshan. Alc. 12 % Cantitate 330 ml
55,00 LEI
Craft & Draft
Blend de 5º aniversário de Fiji Rum e Auchentoshan Whisky barrel aged Imperial Stout, finalizado com ... café e 3 tipos de canela (C5 Alba, Cassia Bark e Ceylon).
10,90 €
Beschrijving Stout – Imperial / Double Coffee 5th Anniversary blend of Fiji Rum and Auchento ...shan Whisky barrel aged imperial stout, finished with coffee and 3 types of cinnamon (C5 Alba, Cassia Bark and Ceylon). Alc. 12% Inhoud 330 ml
10,85 €