Half Time
Tipopils from Birrificio Italiano, Belgium is not a very hoppy Italian Pilsner, medium in color, wit ...h an ABV of 5.2%
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Birrificio Italiano Tipopils Pilsner 33cl
5.2% It might seem the most normal of our own beers yet it is the one that leaves its mark the most ...livering the essence of their aromas. Tipopils is an “archetypal” beer: it embodies and corresponds to the idea of light beer settled in our DNA over many centuries. A classic in cr ...
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Quien tenga prejuicios con las cervezas de baja fermentación y concretamente con las Pils debe probar dos cervezas: la Pilsner Urquell sin filtrar y la Tipo Pils. Y esta última es una delicia, amargor justo, aroma y sabor elegante a lúpulo.