Bine & Vine
Gouden Carolus Imperial Dark 750ML
Gouden Carolus Imperial Dark This dark specialty beer develops a refined complexity and intense aro ...with a refreshing aftertaste, complemented by notes of roasted malt, caramel and plums. 11,0 % Vol. With Belgian hops 3 weeks lagering 24° Plato High fermentation EBU 15 EBC 70 ...
Bine & Vine
STYLE DARK TRAPPIST ALE STATS ABV: 7.5% – OG: 1.066 – IBU: 18 INGREDIENTS Water, ... barley malt, candi sugar, hops, coriander, yeast.
(6x1.17) $6.99
Bine & Vine
Duvel yeast for the first time in tubs, at 20 to 26 ° C. The brewer uses his own culture culture for ...After the ripening in the lager tanks, where the beer is cooled to -2 ° C, the beverage is ready for bottling. By adding extra sugars and yeast, the beer re-fermented in the bottle. This takes pl ...
(6x1) $5.99