BelgianShop | Birrapedia
Trignac XII 12° - 34L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Trignac XII 12° - 34L

Packaging was superb and delivery was pretty quick. I happily recommend.

86,82 €

De Brabandere 1894 8° - 34L

Bélgica BelgianShop

De Brabandere 1894 8° - 34L

Clear, golden yellow with a huge, fluffy, almost stable, white head. Aroma is sour, fruits, citrus,, floral hops, oak, vinous, citrus. Texture is sticky with moderate carbonation. Very nice semi-sour hoppy ale. ...

43,85 €

Filou 8.5° - 13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Filou 8.5° - 13L

Filou 8.5° What about the drinker? Is he or she a rascal who can’t resist Filou’s temptations? Not ...of the two? Filou is brewed with Belgian and Czech aromatic hops, pilsner malt and is refermented in the bottle. Another one for the road…? Pours deep gold with a huge white head. Aroma is yeast ...

9,79 €

Prearis IPA 6.7° - 13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Prearis IPA 6.7° - 13L

Préaris IPA is A Belgian IPA. The color is copper blonde, with a creamy (light beige) foam. The arom ...Taste is fresh and full mouthfeel, where the fruitiness gives way to some light sweet tones. The bitterness is, unlike many IPAs, not too exaggerated which makes this beer is nice in balance. The ...

9,60 €

Prearis Blond 6° - 13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Prearis Blond 6° - 13L

Préaris blond is a refreshing blond beer with a fruity citrus aroma. The taste is malty and fruity w ...d thick white head on top, with very good retention, leaving heavy lacing after it has collapsed. Aromas of yeast, clay, some hops, some floral tones, soap, some plants, hint of citrus and a hint ...

9,59 €

Deugniet 7.3° - 13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Deugniet 7.3° - 13L

Deugniet 7.3° Pours a nice orange and cloudy color with a medium bubbled white head. Good retention ...nk. Taste follows the aroma with a ton of citrus fruits, aome green apples on the background and a slighty bitter, hoppy aftertaste. Medium body, lots of carbonation. Very dry on the palate. Ov ...

8,99 €

La Ramée Blonde 7.5° - 13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

La Ramée Blonde 7.5° - 13L

Clear body, deep golden yellow in colour, with a good sized but thin white head, with average retent ...ion. Light yeasty aroma of vitamins and spices. Smooth tasty flavour of yeast, spices and ends up with a warm feeling from the alcohol. A beer close to being perfectly balanced.

9,41 €

La Ramée Amber 7.5° - 13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

La Ramée Amber 7.5° - 13L

La Ramée is a non-filtered high fermentation beer, re-fermented in the bottle, exceptionally easily ... tall and frothy tan head, with average retention. Yeasty aroma of fruit, malty and somewhat flowery. Sweet flavoured with an alcohol and spice bite. Spiced and slight bitter finish. Very well ...

9,54 €

Rince Cochon 8.5° -13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Rince Cochon 8.5° -13L

ours fairly crystal clear golden straw color with a nice 2 finger foamy white head with great retent ...ood amount of carbonation streaming up retaining a head. Aroma is fruity and Belgian yeast estery with some candi sugar. Flavor is a nice green hop to start with some yeast esters and candi sugar ...

9,64 €

Paljas Saison 6° - 13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Paljas Saison 6° - 13L

Paljas Saison is an unfiltered and high fermented Ale with refermentation in the bottle. The use of ...d fresh aroma. Specific yeast makes sure almost all sugars are fermented which makes it a dry and fluent drinkable beer for nice summer days. ...

9,49 €

Paljas IPA 6° - 13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Paljas IPA 6° - 13L

Paljas Indian Pale Ale is brewed with 100% pale malts. The 4 selected hops (Tomahawk, Cascade, Saaz ...and Amarillo) are giving a fresh hoppy aroma and a nice bitterness of 35 IBU. This well balanced IPA is dry-hopped with the special Nelson Sauvin hop, which gives some flavors of Sauvignon Blanc.

9,78 €

Paljas Brown 6.0° - 13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Paljas Brown 6.0° - 13L

Traditional Belgian brown beer of high fermentation with refermentation in the bottle. A rather dry ...dark speciality beer made with dark malts and 4 hops who are giving a rich flavor. Contains Barley Malt.

9,26 €

Paljas Blond 6.0° - 13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Paljas Blond 6.0° - 13L

Paljas blond is a traditional high fermented unfiltered beer with refermentation on the bottle. The is produced with natural ingredients and the four different hops give it a taste full of character and a distinct fresh aroma.

9,20 €

Surfine Saison 6.5° - 13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Surfine Saison 6.5° - 13L

It is brewed with 3 kinds of malt, 3 varieties of quality Belgian hops and fermented with 3 types of ... surprisingly balanced, slightly bitter taste. The aromas are strikingly complex and fruity aromas; citrus is the predominant note but there are flowery touches, reinforced by impressions of herb ...

9,53 €

Gen Goulf 6.1° - 13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Gen Goulf 6.1° - 13L

This is brewed by a small brewery with a brew length of only 100L. Pours clear blonde, big white hea ...d. ..Taste is bitter , some funky yeast . Flavour is very mellow spices, fruits, toffee. Slight burn to it, but very nice and balanced.

8,94 €

Les 3 Fourquets Lupulus HopEra 6° -13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Les 3 Fourquets Lupulus HopEra 6° -13L

Poured a misty golden body with a white head. nice, fresh light creamy aroma, orange. Aroma has frui ...ness. Taste: softsweet start, nice hopsbitter, fruits on background, very dry and loverly bitter ending. ...

8,77 €

Novice Tripel Black 8.5° - 34L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Novice Tripel Black 8.5° - 34L

Dark brown colour, big light beige head. Aroma is moderate to heavy malty, roasted, caramel, chocola ...te, moderate hoppy, moderate yeasty. Medium thickness, oily texture. Low carbonation. Malty with notes of burned, black chocolate and coffee. Long finish with bitter burned flavors. Some bitter hops.

19,10 €

Verhaeghe Barbe Rufa 8.5° -13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Verhaeghe Barbe Rufa 8.5° -13L

Verhaeghe Barbe Rufa 8.5°  Barbe Rouge is a top-fermented beer. It is an amber beer with a caramel ...ime using the principle of dry-hopping. Barbe Rouge is a strong amber beer with a malty and bitter taste. Clear medium to dark orange color with a average, creamy to frothy, good lacing, mostly ...

9,18 €

Brunehaut Bio Ambrée Gluten Free 6,5° - 13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Brunehaut Bio Ambrée Gluten Free 6,5° - 13L

Brunehaut Bio Ambrée Gluten Free 6,5° GLUTENN FREE!!  Pours a dark hazelnut colour with a decent, to cover it a bit.  Taste is a good balance of sweetness with a light bitterness. More pepper in the aftertaste, grainy but with a short finish.  Overall very good, taking in account is a glut ...

8,96 €

Brunehaut Bio Blonde Gluten Free 6.5° -13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Brunehaut Bio Blonde Gluten Free 6.5° -13L

Never got my order they wouldn’t help trace order would not recommend them to anyone kept my money a ...nd I received nothing

8,75 €

Brunehaut Bio Triple Gluten Free 8° -13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Brunehaut Bio Triple Gluten Free 8° -13L

Brunehaut Bio Triple Gluten Free 8° GLUTEN FREE!!  Little cloudy, dark blond to light beige beer,, some grainy notes and hints of apricot. Taste is a light fruity and malty sweetness with a light spicy hop bitterness. Light to medium body with generous carbonation. Recommended. ...

9,57 €

De Koninck Wild Jo 5.8° - 13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

De Koninck Wild Jo 5.8° - 13L

De Koninck Wild Jo 5.8 Bright golden yellow colour on the body, only a bit cloudy, with a small whi ...leather, minerals, unripe plum, grass, hint of caramel, green apple, jute and white pepper. Crisp fruity taste but a bit subdued, light on the tongue with medium carbo, smooth, apple peel and pea ...

8,75 €

Grain D'Orge The Pom 5.2° - 13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Grain D'Orge The Pom 5.2° - 13L

"The Pom" is a fruity lager brewed each year in summertime. It will surprise you with its lightness ...and its subtle flavor of apple. His alcohol level of 5.2% will bring you lots of fun in the summer sun. Attention! This is not an apple!

8,69 €

Millevertus La Mac Vertus 4.8° - 13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Millevertus La Mac Vertus 4.8° - 13L

Dark brown coloured with a medium sized beige head. Dark malts, some coffee, very roasted smell. Fla ...vor is moderate to heavy sweet and bitter with a average to long duration, spicy, yeasty. Body is medium, texture is oily, carbonation is soft. Very nice beer, way better than expected.

8,80 €

Millevertus La Fumette 6.5° - 13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Millevertus La Fumette 6.5° - 13L

A new, milder version from the Toernichoise Fumée, which was deemed to be a bit over the top, smokew ...east and slight hints of roast. Flavour is burnt wet wood with some leathery hints. A very nice and good taste. Spicy and a little dry ...

8,69 €

Millevertus La Mère Vertus 9° - 13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Millevertus La Mère Vertus 9° - 13L

Pours hazy golden with a small, creamy, off-white head. The aroma is very spicy and citrus, but ther ...bitter with a long duration. Sweet and heavily malted palate balances pretty well with complex aromatic hops. Great brew. ...

9,12 €

Millevertus 421 Pintje 4.21° - 13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Millevertus 421 Pintje 4.21° - 13L

3 different barley malts + 30 % of spelt 2 hops low alcohol but nice character bitterness is there b ...e hoppy with some sweet caramel malts but not overpowering, juicy with some sweetness,...Taste: very fruity, citrus, sweet ripe summer fruits, hoppy, little sugary. Aftertaste: soft bitterness, f ...

8,70 €

Millevertus La Douce Vertus 7° - 13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Millevertus La Douce Vertus 7° - 13L

Deep red brown colour on the boy, good sized tan head on top, with good retention, leaving medium la .... Flavor is caramel, and peaty hops. Finishes dry. The flavor was a pleasant surprise; very unexpected. ...

8,77 €

St. Louis Fond Tradition Kriek Lambic 6.5° -37,5cl

Bélgica BelgianShop

St. Louis Fond Tradition Kriek Lambic 6.5° -37,5cl

Pours a deep red that borders on purple witha trace light pink head. Aroma is dark cherries, sour, s ... touch herbs, pits and metals in the back. Nice carbonation, fruit juice body. Not the most complex kriek or anything but a very enjoyable beer. ...

34,89 €

Maneblusser 6.5° - 13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Maneblusser 6.5° - 13L

The inspiration for this brew originates in the night of January 27th in the year 1687. The moon pro ... tower is on fire!” shouts the dreary voice of a drunken man. The alarm was sounded and people were making haste to help extinguish the so-called fire. Before the tower was reached, the moon slow ...

8,82 €

Buffalo Bitter Belgian Ale 8.5° - 13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Buffalo Bitter Belgian Ale 8.5° - 13L

Buffalo Bitter Belgian Ale 8.5° Golden colour with a pillowy white head which fades after a while. ...dium body with a tingly texture and lively carbonation. Medium sparkling bittersweet flavor with a medium bittersweet finish of moderate duration. ...

8,87 €

Torpah 60 6° -13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Torpah 60 6° -13L

Torpah beers are a family of three single-hop beers available as 30, 60 and 90, a reference to each ... 3 hops that have been treated differently but that each start from the same malted base. Torpah 30= Hop: Wai Iti ( New Zealand) Torpah 60= Hop : Aramis ( Alsace = France) Torpah 90= Hop : Chi ...

8,96 €

Torpah 30 6° -13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Torpah 30 6° -13L

Torpah beers are a family of three single-hop beers available as 30, 60 and 90, a reference to each ... 3 hops that have been treated differently but that each start from the same malted base. Torpah 30= Hop: Wai Iti ( New Zealand) Torpah 60= Hop : Aramis ( Alsace = France) Torpah 90= Hop : Chi ...

8,70 €

Bavik Kwaremont 6.6° - 13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Bavik Kwaremont 6.6° - 13L

Undeniably one of the best beers after a long ride on my bike or indoor trainer! Living in the USA, ...Kwaremont is impossible to find, so I was stoked to get here at the Shop. Cheers!

9,46 €

Tempelier 6° - 13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Tempelier 6° - 13L

Pours clear and golden orange with a nice white head. The main taste is bitter and besides that ther ...e isn’t much else. Aroma is sweet, malty, fruity and moderate spicy. Dry and moderate bitter finish. Solid brew!

8,87 €


Bélgica BelgianShop


This pack contains 6 bottles 37,5cl : -Oude Geuze Boon -3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze -Oude Geuze Beerse ...l -Mort-Subite Oude Gueuze -Moriau Oude Geuze -Timmermans Oude Gueuze -DE Troch Oude Gueuze -Girardin Oude Gueuze -.....................

98,69 €


Bélgica BelgianShop


This pack contains 6 bottles 37,5cl of our selection: -Lindemans Kriek -Mort Subite-Kriek -Cantil ...lon Kriek -Girardin Kriek -Bacchus Kriek -Boon Kriek -3 Fonteinen Kriek -De Troch Kriek -...........

92,47 €


Bélgica BelgianShop


This tasting pack contains 6 bottles 37,5cl from our selection: -Lindemans Gueuze -Mort-Subite Gue ...uze -Cantillon Gueuze -Girardin Gueuze -Boon Gueuze -Beersel Gueuze -De Troch Gueuze -Moriau Gueuze -.................

88,66 €

Chérie 5° -13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Chérie 5° -13L

Chérie 5° A new Belgian top fermented cherry-flavoured wheat beer. Nice light pink head with good d ...uration. Color is pink/peach. Aroma and taste are lots of cherry. Light bitter finish.

9,62 €

Fort Lapin Dubbel 6° - 13L

Bélgica BelgianShop

Fort Lapin Dubbel 6° - 13L

Fort Lapin Dubbel 6° Taste is medium sweet, light bitter, malty, slightly sour, spicy. There is a b ...itter aftertaste.

8,49 €

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