Beershop | Birrapedia
           15° Lollihop IPA

República Checa Beershop

Sibeeria 15° Lollihop IPA

The legendary West Coast IPA from Sibeerie, which is sought after by all visitors to Prague pubs. An ... incredibly drinkable IPA with an intense aroma of Mosaic and Citra hops. The taste is distinctly fruity and hoppy with notes of pineapple, mango, watermelon and citrus. More

4,40 Kč

           15° Grapefruit Lollihop IPA

República Checa Beershop

Sibeeria 15° Grapefruit Lollihop IPA

Thanks to the addition of grapefruit pulp, this flavored version of the West Coast Lollihop offers a ...l maltiness and complemented by fruity, floral and slightly resinous hops. This brought out the grapefruit notes, limes and also hints of pine. More ...

4,60 Kč

           14° Muana Loa West Coast IPA

República Checa Beershop

Sibeeria 14° Muana Loa West Coast IPA

Hawaii's active Mauna Loa volcano was the inspiration for this beer from Sibeeria. In contrast to th ...cloudy pale yellow, just like NEIPA, but the flavor retains all the characteristics of a West Coast IPA, namely the typical flavor, drier body, and higher bitterness. Mauna Loa is cloudy due to t ...

5,20 Kč

Jsme hrdí na to, že vám na jednom místě v eshopu můžeme přehledně nabídnout kvalitní pivo ze všech koutů světa. V naší nabídce najdete řemeslná piva z českých minipivovarů i celosvětově proslulý craft beer ze zahraničí.