Beer Merchants
Chimay Blue is principally distinguished by its character of ... a strong dark beer. Celebrated dark Trappist ale
Beer Merchants
Duvel is a medium bodied and complex, hoppy-malty, classic ...0;other beer is made like it, or tastes like it. Blonde and refreshing like a Pilsner, but with the ...
Beer Merchants
Scaldis Noel is a full bodied and indulgent, dark-chocolate bitter, dark Christmas beer. Best served ... in a branded brandy glass. Good with venison and as a Christmas brandy.
(12x3.24) £38.89
Beer Merchants
It was created in 1933 by Alfred Dubuisson, grand-father of the present family brewer, Hugues. Its f ...of caramel malt in the production process. Its bitter sweet taste provides it with firmness and personality. What's more, it helps digestion. ...
Beer Merchants
In the 17th and 18th century, ales like Piraat were highly prized and sought after by seafaring pira a well rounded body and a wickedly rich flavor. The powerful glow builds from the inside with a deep golden hue and soft haze. With aggressive amounts of hops and malts a mild sweetness is cou ...