Beer Mania
Brewery De Leite6,5%33clThe ’irresistible’ lady represents a light amber beer of 6,5° with a creamy ...white head. Its nose is malty with fruity notes resulting in a slightly bitter aftertaste.
3,15 €
Beer Mania
Brewery De Leite6%33clMa Mère Spéciale (6°) has a mild malty rich quality. The balanced bitter hop f ...lavour is rounded off with a soft, fine hint of lemon. The refined hop aftertaste lingers pleasantly.
3,15 €
Beer Mania
Brasserie De Ranke7%33clPère Noël is a bitter Christmas beer with a hint of licorice.Taste: Bitter, ...semi-spiced flavour with a very long-lasting aftertaste.
3,10 €
Beer Mania
Brouwerij The Musketeers 5.7% 33cl Commercial Description - Troubadour Spéciale is an amber colored ... which make you think of an “English Ale” or Spéciale Belge style followed by a dry and bitter after ...
2,60 €
Beer Mania
Brouwerij Contreras 6,5% 33cl Golden specialty beer, dry hopped (secondary addition of hop during la ...gering) Blonde
2,60 €