Brasserie Artisanale de la Pleine Lune Sylvester Stalune
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,64
Imperial IPA - 7.5 º
1 Price
Flying Monkeys Craft Brewery Frosty the Friendship Dragon
starstarstarstarstar_border 3,77
Imperial IPA - 8.3 º - 72 IBU
Espiga Staticcats Feat Toøl
starstarstarstarstar_border 3,91
Imperial IPA - 8 º - 39 IBU
Staticcats feat Toøl DDH IPA Durant el festival Barcelona beer festival vam poder fer una c ...nspirar en una de les teories quàntiques d’aquell país. La teoria dels gats Schrödinger manifesta l’estat dual de les partícules. Com les partícules ...
Ingenious Brewing Company Double Galaxy (2023)
starstarstarstarstar_border 4,06
Imperial IPA - 8.2 º - 60 IBU
Baxbier I Can't Believe It's Not Sabro
starstarstarstarstar_border 3,98
Imperial IPA - 8.2 º - 27 IBU
White Dog Brewery King of Low Maintenance
starstarstarstarstar_half 4,36
Imperial IPA - 8.5 º - 10 IBU
White Dog Brewery Stuck In Paranoid Mash
starstarstarstarstar_half 4,42
Imperial IPA - 8.5 º - 10 IBU
Kykao - Handcrafted Deconstructed NEIPA
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,71
Imperial IPA - 8 º - 40 IBU
Dok Brewing Company Ik Sidney In Kaapstad
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,62
Imperial IPA - 8 º - 62 IBU
North Brewing Co. North X Attic Brew Co : DIPA
starstarstarstarstar_border 4,23
Imperial IPA - 8.4 º
1 Price
Verdant Brewing / Basqueland The Separate Self
starstarstarstarstar_border 4,20
Imperial IPA - 8 º
The Separate Self So chuffed to have our Basqueland friends over for a brew or two! This one is a T ...DHNDDIPA riff on Nebulous Sky where we’ve subbed in Motueka at high hopping levels to create a punchy brew with heaps of lime, mango, orange guessed it...DANK.
1 PriceDark Crops Brewery Minor Threat
starstarstarstarstar_border 3,83
Imperial IPA - 8.5 º - 69 IBU
2 Prices
SpindleTap Brewery Stereo Chemistry DIPA
starstarstarstarstar_border 4,06
Imperial IPA - 8 º
1 Price