Craft Central
The trick is to have no tricks with a classic german lager. Premium ingredients, attention, and plen ...ty of time. Slight citrus finish from the dry hopping.
3,00 €
Onlygoodbeer - Csakajósör
Völgy Honey Lager Brew Your Mind (HU) 0,44L - 7%
Selected beer: Völgy Honey Lager | Brew Your Mind (HU) | 0,44L - 6,5% Further details: ...0,44L Honey Lager Country of Origin: Hungary ABV: 6,5% Brewery: Brew Your Mind Deposit: none Your price: €3.29
4,15 €
Onlygoodbeer - Csakajósör
Herr Lager Horizont (HU) 0,33L - 4,5%
Selected beer: Herr Lager | Horizont (HU) | 0,33L - 4,5% Further details: 0,33 l Dry ... hopped lager Country of Origin: Hungary ABV: 4,5% Brewery: Horizont Deposit: none Your price: €2.03
2,59 €