Beer Head
De la Senne Jambe de Bois Belgian Triple
Jambe de bois by Brussels brewery Brasserie de la Senne is an authentic Belgian Tripel brewed as an ...s big, fruity blonde is packed with classic bready malts and vibrant white-pepper and banana yeast. ABV 8% ...
2,95 €
H “Tripel” της Westmalle είναι μια καθαρή, χρυσόξανθη “Trappist” μπύρα που υ ...φίσταται επαναζύμωση στην φιάλη.
(6x12.88) 77,26 €
H “Tripel” της Westmalle είναι μια καθαρή, χρυσόξανθη “Trappist” μπύρα, που ... λυκίσκο. ...
(24x4.05) 97,18 €
Πολύ αρωματική, εύκολη στην κατανάλωση, μία πολύ ωραία μπύρα! Χωρίς πρόσθετα ζάχαρη ή μπαχαρικά, απλ ...ά θα σας μαγέψει!
(24x4.62) 110,98 €
Πικρή και φρουτώδης-η πρώτη βέλγικη IPA.
(24x5.18) 124,40 €
Παράγεται από το ζυθοποιείο Origin Van Honsebrouck Brewery, στην πόλη Ingelmunster, στο Βέλγιο. Δυνα ...τή ξανθιά μπύρα με εξαιρετικό άρωμα και ιδιαίτερα ήπια γεύση.
(12x8.72) 104,68 €
Παράγεται από το ζυθοποιείο Origin Van Honsebrouck Brewery, στην πόλη Ingelmunster, στο Βέλγιο. Δυνα ...τή ξανθιά μπύρα με εξαιρετικό άρωμα και ιδιαίτερα ήπια γεύση.
(24x4.23) 101,56 €
Ιστορικά μια μπύρα 3 σπόρων (σιτάρι, βρώμη και κριθάρι) ζυθοποιείται ακόμα με μια συνταγή του 17ου α ...ιώνα από το παλιό μοναστήρι των Καρμελιτών στο Dandermonde.
(12x8.65) 103,77 €
Η Gouden Carolus Triple έχει ένα μοναδικό χρώμα και γεμάτη γεύση που οφείλονται σε ένα καλά ισορροπη ...μένο χαρμάνι βύνης και λυκίσκου.
(24x4.54) 109,06 €
Βελγική μπύρα με ξανθό χρώμα. Άρωμα μαγιάς και φρούτων. Γεύση δημητριακών και μαγιάς, με πικράδα στη ...ν επίγευση.
(24x4.47) 107,37 €
Η μπύρα Corsendonk Agnus είναι μια υψηλής ζύμωσης Lager μπύρα, με γεμάτο σώμα, η οποία επίσης ωριμάζ ...ει στην φιάλη με προσθήκη μαγιάς και έντονη επίγευση λυκίσκου.
(24x4.02) 96,57 €
Χαρακτηριστικό χρυσαφένιο χρώμα και ευχάριστο άρωμα φρέσκου λυκίσκου και μαγιάς. Επικρατούν φρουτώδε ...ις νότες μοσχοστάφυλου και σταφίδας, που προσδίδουν ένα ιδιαίτερο άρωμα.
(24x4.69) 112,56 €
Βελγική μπύρα με χάλκινο χρώμα. Στη μύτη νότες ξηρών καρπών και καραμέλας. Γεύση κόλιανδρου, γαρύφαλ ...λου και γλυκόριζας. Αρκετά πικάντικο με πικράδα στην επίγευση.
(24x4.75) 113,92 €
Etre Gourmet
"A modern interpretation of the classic Belgian Triple. More bitterness, lighter on the esters. Resi ...nous, peppery & elderflower notes."
3,54 €
Whisky And More
Commercial Description: Chimay White (now better known as Chimay Tripel) was created in 1966 by Br ...y and hoppy character. This Tripel really is a drinkable proof of the complex art of brewing. It has a mainly dry character, enhanced by a floral fruitiness that brings to mind memories of a fine ...
The Hop Vault
Kasteel Brouwerij Kasteel Tripel
ABV 11% - 330ml - Belgian Tripel - £5.25 Kasteel Tripel is a strong blonde specialty beer brewed wi a high proportion of aroma hops. The fruitiness of the hops and the impressions of malt and cloves give the beer character. This triple has a mildly bitter taste and appeals to many beer lovers.
Lamoral degmont Blond 75 cl Fles
Een bier dat vol smaak zit, goed bewaarbaar en stabiel in de tijd is, met een aroma als een mand vol ...n wakker ligt. In de brouwerij werden reeds verscheidene proefbrouwsels gemaakt en met uitzondering van de naam stond het bier met nagisting op punt. ...
4,63 €
The Beer Cellar
Blond, robust, smooth, and fruity three grain top fermented beer, refermented in the bottle. Brewed ...with pride and patience after Karmeliet tradition with wheat, oat and barley. 100% natural. Brewery Website ABV 8%
The Beer Cellar
This tripel is a strong blonde beer in which both the bitterness and the fruitiness of the hops make ...ops. It has a subtle aroma with touches of fruit and impressions of malt, cloves and flowers. The main taste is of fruit ...
The Beer Cellar
Chimay Cinq Cents Tripel 750ml
Chimay Blanche (White), with its typical golden colour, its slightly hazy appearance and its fine he ...s and yeast. The beer's flavour, as sensed in the mouth, comes from the smell of hops: above all it is the fruity notes ...
The Beer Cellar
Chimay Blanche (White), with its typical golden colour, its slightly hazy appearance and its fine he ...s and yeast. The beer's flavour, as sensed in the mouth, comes from the smell of hops: above all it is the fruity notes ...
The Beer Cellar
Craft beer brewed since 1456. Recognised in 1815 for giving "Strength" and "Courage&q ...uot; during the battle of Waterloo, its triple-fermentation old-style brewing gives this beer a powerful, spicy taste. Brewery Website ABV 8%
The Beer Cellar
Het Kapittel Watou Tripel Abt 330ml
Het Kapittal ABT is a tripel from Brouwerij Van Eecke. It is a hazy orange copper colour, and has a ...ruits and soft spices. The taste is both sweet and a little spicy, showing good balance. The sugary fruits come through, ...
The Beer Cellar
Vander Ghinste Brasserie LeFort Tripel 330ml
Tripel LeFort is a golden blonde beer of 8.8% ABV and sets itself apart through its crisp, fruity ar ... a beer with vanilla-clove aromas as well as a fruity taste of bananas and red apples. Pleasant hints of citrus, lime an ...
The Beer Cellar
Vander Ghinste Brasserie LeFort 330ml
Established 1854. By Felix Verscheure, greatgrandfather of Omer Vander Ghinste, in Kortrijk. Brasser LeFort became part of the Brewery Omer Vander Ghinste in 1911. LeFort is a dark, complex ale with an intense taste. Refermented in the bottle. Brewery Website ABV 9%
The Beer Cellar
This beer, with high fermentation, has a pale amber colour and a flowery, fruity taste with a harmon ...ious balance between sweet and sour (8% alcohol content). This beer has a thick and vivid froth and strikes by its balanced taste with a delicate bitterness. 8% ABV
The Beer Cellar
Gentse Tripel is a honey blond, high fermentation beer with secondary fermentation in the bottle. Ge ...ntse Tripel is hoppy and bitter and a fruity aroma 8% ABV
The Beer Cellar
Floreffe Triple owes its name to its high density and strong taste. The splendid mixture between bit ...ered. It may therefore be slightly cloudy if served cold. As the monks' recipe specifies, it is refermented in the bottl ...
The Beer Cellar
Nose/aromas: Fruity notes (peach, pomelo, etc.) and honey, yeast, sweet malt, mild hints of hops, sl ...inent and sweet presence of malt, mild hops, Belgian yeast and a long finish with a gentle alcohol surge 8.5% ABV ...
The Beer Cellar
Brugse Straffe Hendrik Tripel 330ml
Straffe Hendrik Tripel is the last authentic Tripel Ale of Bruges. Straffe Hendrik Tripel is a golde ... ginger, and is even insinuating the presence of oranges. The beer is brewed with a selection of Saaz and Styrian hops o ...
The Beer Cellar
Moeder Overste is a triple beer with 8% alcohol content. With its full, strong taste, it is possibly ...te this heavenly beer for the last 15 years.Moeder Overste has a golden hue and is perfumed with spices, wood and fruit ...
The Beer Cellar
Vicaris Triple is a soft and accessible beer with fruity notes, highly recommended to both trained a ...nd untrained beer lovers. The mild bitterness and slightly malty tones give this beer a delicious aftertaste. The high fermentation and cold storage on the other give it a pleasant mouthfeel. 8.5% ABV
The Beer Cellar
Tripel Karmeliet 330ml 24pk Full Case
*This is a full 24pk case of Tripel Karmeliet 330ml* Blond, robust, smooth, and fruity three grain t ...op fermented beer, refermented in the bottle. Brewed with pride and patience after Karmeliet tradition with wheat, oat and barley. 100% natural. 8% ABV
(24x6.88) $165.00
🌿 La IPA de Achouffe Elaborada con 3 Lúpulos diferentes, esta IPA Belga no dejará indiferente a n ...ica de Matthew, el loco del lúpulo. En concreto, Matthew le ha añadido tres lúpulos a esta cerveza tan aclamada por los amantes de las Indian Pale Ales: Tomahawk, Saaz y Amarillo. Aunque se tr ...
2,89 €
Mister Hop
Van Honsebrouck Kasteel Tripel 75cl
De 75cl variant van Kasteel Tripel. Bloemig en fruitig van smaak. Het bier is ook niet te bitter maa ...r wel een beetje hoppig met en mooie volle smaak. Net zoals andere bieren van Kasteel is dit naar mijn mening ook een heel mooi en smaakvol bier.
9,50 €
Leffe Triple 44cl (lot de 48 canettes)
Bières de la marque Leffe. Bière. [Lot de 48] Produit unitaire EAN 5410228245674, lot de 48 EAN 37 ...01018099426.
(48x2.99) 143,29 €
Chimay Peres trappistes triple (White Cap) Μπύρα 330ml
Μια μπύρα με υψηλή ζύμωση που ξαναζυμώνει στο μπουκάλι. Χρυσό χρώμα που κλείνει στο κεχριμπάρι. Η αρ ...ίρισμα είναι κομψό, δίνοντας ένα ευχάριστα πικρό λυκίσκο, σε συνδυασμό με νότες από μοσχάτο σταφύλι, σταφίδας και το πικρό άρωμα από βότανα εσπεριδοειδών και γαρίφαλων. ...
3,50 €
La Source Beer Co.
Our re-interpretation of the classic ‘’Triple’’: English yeast and a lot of hops at the end of the b ...oil (no dry hopping, it would be cheating!). Our version is dry and pleasantly aromatic. Cheers! ALC. 8,1% 33 cl
3,40 €