La Trappe Isid’or is a lightly sweet amber beer with a hint of caramel. The beer tastes softly bit ...ter and has a fruity aftertaste. La Trappe Isid’or is brewed with the self-cultivated Perle hop
9,77 €
La Trappe Witte Trappist 5,5° - 13L
Pours cloudy yellow/white with a whitee head. Smells of coriander, bananas, orange peel, cardamom, c ...hamomile and other herbs ans spices. Taste is sweet eith ethe herbs mentioned above in a near perfect balance with a very delicate hop balance.
9,36 €
The strongest of the special beers. Its flavor is full, mild and pleasantly bitter. Quadrupel is pre ...sently available in the autumn, is bottled by the year and is perfect company for those long winter evenings.
9,77 €
Cloudy amber color with an off-white head. Very sweet aroma, full of caramel, grape, cherry and prun ...e. Thick sweet dark fruit, malt and alcohol flavors, with a crisp lightly hoppy finish. Very barleywine like.
9,50 €
A very nice dubbel from La Trappe. Aroma is the highlight of the beer, being very hearty and robu fades, leaving a little lacing. Taste is veggies, belgian malt flavors, caramel, a bit of cocoa perhaps. Palate is nice ...
9,24 €
its been 5 years since i had this, thank you for shipping to the US now.
8,88 €