frutal de los lúpulos con aromas a mandarina dulce, piña madura, pomelo rosa y fruta de la pasión. ¡Un cohete de lúpulo bien equilibrado!
Made in collaboration with our friends from Porto Catraio Craft Beer Shop to celebrate their 8th anniversary.
Together with Catraio’s friends, we have put together a double IPA to celebrate their 8th anniversary. Hazy in appearance, full-bodied, and golden in color, it stands out for its powerful final bitterness that accompanies the fruity profile of the hops with aromas of sweet mandarin, ripped pineapple, pink grapefruit, and passion fruit. A well-balanced hop rocket!
Pass by Catraio a celebrate their anniversary from the 31st of January to the 4th of February.
Oportoko Catraio Craft Beer Shop eko lagunekin lankidetzan egina haien 8. urteurrena ospatzeko
Itxura arrea du, gorputz handia eta urre kolore bizikoa da. Lupuluen fruta aromek bikain uztartzen dute amaiera indartsu eta mikatzarekin: mandarina gozoa, piña heldua, pomelo arrosa eta maracuya antzematen dira. Bisitatu Catraio, eta ospatu haiekin batera urtebetetzea urtarrilaren 31tik otsailaren 4ra Ver menos