De Biersalon
Bad Seed Brewing Slice of Moonshine
Back in March we paid a visit to our good friends from O/O Brewing to brew a style we think is brewe ...mplies, it is a Black version of our beloved Slice of Moonshine! For our interpretation we decided to treat the beer with the exact same hop combo as in Slice of Sunshine, just in a Double Dry Ho ...
7,15 €
Die Bierothek
Bad Seed Brewery Slice of Sunshine
You can always use a slice of sunshine, right? In the second edition of their dry-hopped Modern West ......
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Bad Seed Brewing. Slice Of Sunshine IPA
Slice of Sunshine was the first iteration of what Bad Seed themselves call the Modern West Coast IPA ..., where they combine classic trademarks of the West Coast IPA - bitterness, clarity and crisp malt profile - with hopping techniques and the aromatic focus of modern IPA's.
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Bad Seed Brewing
7% Modern West Coast IPA, Hopped and Dry-Hopped with Nelson Sauvin, Citra & Mosaic! Slice of S IPA - bitterness, clarity and crisp malt profile - with hopping techniques and the aromatic focus of modern IPA's. A light malt profile of only pilsner & dextrin malt, as light as it gets ...
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Bad Seed Brewing Slice of Sunshine 7% 44cl IPA
En "moderne" West Coast IPA. Kombineret af den klassiske West Coast IPA bitterhed, klarhed ... og maltede profil, men med teknikker og aromatiske fokus fra en moderne IPA. Smager bittert, med noter af citrus og ananas.
Sin Stock
Bad Seed Brewing Slice of Sunshine 44 cl
Slice of Sunshine var den første West Coast IPA, inspireret af nogle af de moderne vestkystbryggerie ...ker, der giver en solid citrusagtig, tropisk og fugtig humle, oven på en slank og sprød maltkrop med et solidt bittert spark. ...
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