Shop Wine Direct
Ayinger Jahrhundert Bier 500ml
Description ...ery. It has a golden-yellow color with a slightly flowery yeast, honey-ish aroma, tastes a little spicy and is full-bodied in initial taste, mild before swallowing and soft with a refined sparkle ...
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Petite Cellars
Ayinger Jahrhundert 17 oz. Bottle
This beer was first brewed in 1978 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of our brewery. It has a golde ...…
Bine & Vine
Ayinger Jahrhundert Bier 500ML
STYLE CRISP GOLDEN LAGER STATS ABV: 5.2% – OG: 1.051 – IBU: 24 INGREDIENTS Water ..., barley malt, hops, yeast.
Ayinger Jahrhundert Bier Dortmunder Lager 500ml
5.5% This beer was first brewed in 1978 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of our brewery. It has a ...ll-bodied in initial taste, mild before swallowing and soft with a refined sparkle and fades with a well-balanced hint of bitterness. It is an especially drinkable and harmonious beer. Conrad Sei ...
Half Time
Aying Brewery Ayinger Jahrhundert (16.9 oz)
Golden, big herbaceous bouquet with a soft, medium body and a long lingering finish with dry hop ton
Sin Stock
Ayinger Jahrhundert Bier Dortmunder 500ml
5.5% This beer was first brewed in 1978 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of our brewery. It has a ...ll-bodied in initial taste, mild before swallowing and soft with a refined sparkle and fades with a well-balanced hint of bitterness. It is an especially drinkable and harmonious beer. Conrad Sei ...
Sin Stock