Grape & Grain | Birrapedia

Fixation IPA 6.4% 330ml

Australia Grape & Grain

Fixation IPA 6.4% 330ml


Bentspoke Red Nut 7% 375ml

Australia Grape & Grain

Bentspoke Red Nut 7% 375ml


Deeds XPA 4.2% 375ml

Australia Grape & Grain

Deeds XPA 4.2% 375ml


Napabier Oude Gueze 6% 750ml

Australia Grape & Grain

Napabier Oude Gueze 6% 750ml


Tilquin Oude Mure 6% 375ml

Australia Grape & Grain

Tilquin Oude Mure 6% 375ml


De Cam Oude Geuze 6.5% 375ml

Australia Grape & Grain

De Cam Oude Geuze 6.5% 375ml


Bailey - Red Ale 5.8% 375ml

Australia Grape & Grain

Bailey - Red Ale 5.8% 375ml


Pirate Life IPA 6.8% 355ml

Australia Grape & Grain

Pirate Life IPA 6.8% 355ml


Balter XPA 5% 375ml

Australia Grape & Grain

Balter XPA 5% 375ml


Duivels Biers Brune 8% 330ml

Australia Grape & Grain

Duivels Biers Brune 8% 330ml


Melbourne’s friendliest bottleshop & bar with 16 rotating craft beer taps and over 400 wines to choose from.