Grape & Grain
Fox Friday Core Hazy IPA 375ml
Fox Friday Core West Coast IPA 7% 375ml
Bright - Decadence Barleywine 16% 355ml
Hawkers - Bourbon BA White Stout 2024 6% 440ml
La Sirene - Beer with Mac Wild Ale 6.4% 375ml
Mountain Culture Aussie Pale Lager 4% 355ml
Kaiju Metamorphosis West Coast IPA 6.2% 375ml
Sure 300% Dynamight Red IPA 6.2% 375ml
La Sirene Convergence 5.8% 375ML
Boatrocker Flotsam & Jetsam Mai Tai Wild Ale 6.4% 375ml
Boatrocker Framboyse Sour 6.1% 375ml
Boatrocker Wildberry Sour 6.2% 375ml
Mountain Culture Epic & Wild Pale Ale 5% 355ml
Kaiju Pleazure Kruze Hazy Pale Ale 4.8% 375ml
Wolf Of The Willows Crisp Lager 4.2% 355ml
Port Phillip Hazy IPA 6% 375ml
Bad Shepherd x Grape & Grain Tien Oud Bruin 6% 750ml
Hop Nation Opening Doors Non-Alcoholic Pale Ale 355ml
Mountain Culture American Pale Ale 5% 355ml
Bright Pale Ale 4% 355ml
Wilde Gluten Free Pale Ale 3.5% 375ml
Bridge Road Celtic Red Ale 5.3% 355ml
Red Hill Imperial Stout 8.1% 355ml
Fixation Obsession IPA 4.6% 375ml
Deeds Right in Two BA BeerWine Hybrid 8.8% 750ml
Banks Day Trip Pale Ale 4.7% 355ml
Boatrocker XPA 4.2% 375ml
Wildflower Organic Table Beer 2.9% 375ml
Mountain Culture Moon Dust Stout 5.6% 355ml
Killer Sprocket Amber 4.8% 375ml
Fixation Little Ray Hazy IPA 5.2% 375ml
Hop Nation Mind Ya Head Non Alc XPA 375ml
2 Brother Kung Foo Rice Lager 4.6% 375ml
2 Brother Grizz American Amber 5.7% 375ml
Stomping Ground Big Sky Park Ale PA 4.3% 355ml
Braeside Bayside IPA 6% 355ml
Bright Staircase Porter 5.7% 355ml
Venom Portello 4.5% Sour 4.5% 375ml
Boatrocker Conehead IPA 6.2% 375ml
Mountain Culture Cult IPA 6.2% 355ml