Amundsen Brewery - Super Santa
The all new 2020 version in a new recipe! For decades children placed out milk & cookies on Chri ...stmas Eve in the hope of catching a glimpse of Santa. As it turns out Santa hates milk but loves beer. So this one´s for him, packed full of our favourite Chri
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Lost Robot
Amundsen - Super Santa (Stout - Pastry)
330ml can 4.7% For decades children placed out milk & cookies on Christmas Eve in the hope o ...m, packed full of our favourite Christmas coffee. Help him stay moist on his epic journey to keep the world’s children happy ...
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The Fuss.Club
This is a Stout - Pastry (View Untappd) (UT RATING: 3.45) Amundsen Brewery says: 'The all new 20 ...in the hope of catching a glimpse of Santa. As it turns out Santa hates milk but loves beer. So this one´s for him, packed full ...
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Heaton Hops
Amundsen Bryggeri Amundsen Super Santa Pastry Stout
So this one´s for Santa, packed full of our favourite Christmas coffee. Buy Amundsen beers for UK de ...livery or collect in store in Stockport.
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The Hop Vault
ABV 4.7% - 330ml - Stout - £4.50 The all new 2020 version in a new recipe! For decades children pla ...out Santa hates milk but loves beer. So this one´s for him, packed full of our favourite Christmas coffee. Help him stay moist on his epic journey to keep the world’s children happy. He deserves ...
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Caps and Taps
Amundsen Super Santa Christmas Choco Stout 4.7% (330ml)
For decades children placed out milk & cookies on Christmas Eve in the hope of catching a glimps ...ur favourite Christmas coffee. Help him stay moist on his epic journey to keep the world’s children happy. He deserves it! This malted chocolate milkshake-inspired beer delivers a full-bodied, se ...
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Amundsen Super Santa Choco Shake Stout 12x33CL ... Login voor de prijs
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Øl Biksen
Stout I årtier uddelte børn mælk og småkager juleaften, i håbet om at få et glimt af julemanden. D ...et viser sig, at julemanden hader mælk, men elsker øl. Så denne øl er til ham, fyldt med Amundsens yndlingskaffe og chokolade. Dåse 33 cl. 4,7%
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