Aether Brewing Blackberry Sour 375ml
A classic Berliner Weisse- Style brew, Blackberry Sour is the perfect mash-up of sour and sweet. Pou ...idual sugars, with juicy Tasmanian blackberries adding delicious acidity and extra sweetness. Malt: Pale Malt & Wheat Hops: Warrior ...
Only Craft Beer
Aether Brewing Blackberry Sour
Fresh blackberries give the crisp Witching Hour sour brew a beautiful purple hue that will leave you ... coming back again and again.
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Aether Brewing, Blackberry Sour, 375ml
A classic Berliner Weisse - style brew, Blackberry Sour is the perfect mash-up of sour and sweet. Po ...uring a beautiful and dramatic purple and brewed with wheat and pale malts for low bitterness and residual sugars, with juicy Tasmanian blackberries adding delicious acidity and extra sweetness.